PlatformIO is a Ukrainian Project. Please help us stop the war 🙏

@stefang , thank you so much for your support and donation! :pray: :orange_heart:

The truth is - Russians do not like this war, Russian people != Putin and Putin != Russia.
Also I should mention - Russians do not give a shit about Ukraina much so - don’t overestimate yourself.


Are you Ukrainian or Russian? How do you know about the “The truth is”?

You can’t run a 1-month war if your countrymen do not support you. We had a similar case in Ukraine in 2014 when pro-Putin puppet “Yanukovich” (ex-president of Ukraine) tried to enable slavery in Ukraine. Hundreds of Ukrainians died but our nation defended democratic liberty.

Putin is nothing in comparison with 150M of Russians. If Russians wanted to stop this war, they could do with Putin the same what we did with Yanukovich. However, the recent neutral news show us the opposite - most Russians support this war (they call it “military operation”). See a few proofs:


Hey guys!
I did not know that PlatformIO is an Ukrainian project, until somehow the blue/yellow heart displayed on my PIO Home page in VS Code.
I made a donation to support your project. Last week I donated to the Romanian Red Cross to help the Ukrainian refugees coming here.
It’s extremely sad and tragic what is happening to Ukraine, all because of a feudal dictator of a nuclear country, having no remorse to bomb hospitals, schools, homes and to murder innocent civilians, children…
Take care, stay safe, be tough! Putin will fall.
Greetings from Romania!


Hello, I use Platform IO in VSCode but due to war, our company start to block all connections to russia from our corporate network. My problem is now, that when I want to download new libraries from registry, Platform IO try to get them from which point to server with russia IP ( and thus get blocked. Is there a way to force point platformio to servers in other location?

Greetings from Czech Republic

Funny, Geolocate the Location of an IP Address | Geolocation shows the IP as being in Moscow, shows the IP as being in Ukraine. I rather believe the latter. Conflicting Geo-IP info maybe?

Yes, the strange issue with IP: It is our reserve Ukrainian server, we do not use it. It looks that all our other mirrors (Germany, US, etc) were blocked by your ISP. Could you run pio system prune and try building the project again?

But that’s also the only IP that it gives for the server

Server:  UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:

DNS Lookup - Check DNS Records says the same

There is no reference to the mirror. As I mentioned before, this mirror will be used only in the case when other ~6-7 mirrors are blocked/unavailable. This is the issue on the @tony763 side.

All your people are giving us a testimony of courage and honor.
Putin will be defeated and delivered to the shame he deserves.
From Italy with all our support and love.

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Every day we learn of more war crimes committed by Russian forces, and every day the atrocities get worse. Every day I get more angry with Putin, and I wonder how deranged he must be to somehow justify the destruction and suffering he has unleashed. Every day I cry when more Ukrainians get killed, maimed and traumatized for life. I want to DO something to make it stop, but there’s nothing I can do except donate money, which feels like an empty gesture.

I hope we (my country and others) will continue to support Ukraine with everything we have until Russia is forced to give up and leave Ukraine. I don’t care our food, energy and other things get more expensive. That is absolutely NOTHING compared to the suffering of Ukrainians. I also hope Putin will one day stand trial and face the consequences of his actions, although there is not a punishment in the world heavy enough to make up for his crimes.

Slava Ukraini! :ukraine:

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Robin Horsfall
Former SAS Soldier. Writer, Veterans Campaigner and Public Speaker.

Perhaps Russia can become free?

Forty years ago I took part in the Falklands War in the South Atlantic Ocean. The military dictator of Argentina, Leopoldo Galtieri, had a failing economy. He had retained power by ‘removing’ thousands of his political opponents who became known as ‘The disappeared’. Galtieri decided to redirect the attention of his people by making a conquest - by starting a small war. So, he invaded the Falkland Islands, two small insignificant rocks 500 miles from his coastline where thirty-five British Royal Marines were stationed.

Galtieri expected little resistance and after overwhelming the defenders with greater numbers he announced his victory. The British Government however, fought back, sending a task force 8000 miles to take back the Islands. Galtieri’s main battleship the Belgrano was sunk. The British troops outfought the Argentinian forces on air, land and sea.

Galtieri lost the Islands, he also lost power and was kept under house arrest in obscurity for the rest of his life. Argentina became, and still is a democracy. Britain not only restored freedom to the Islands they also freed Argentina.

Vladimir Putin has a similar story, his popularity was waning, he was poisoning or imprisoning his political opponents, he needed a distraction. A small war to convince the masses that he was a strong man would do it. Putin expected a quick victory but Ukraine like Britain in 1982 fought back. Putin’s Flagship has been sunk. It wasn’t supposed to be this way.

The best Putin can hope for now (if he’s lucky) is to live out his life in obscurity, and perhaps Russia will also become a free democracy as a consequence of Ukrainian courage.

Slava Ukraine!

Robin Horsfall


Comparing the British military fighting a third world country protecting a remote colony, to the Ukrainians people defending their homeland, does not do just with the Ukrainians. :wink:

Anyway, platformio was a game changer for me, not having to deal with vendor specific inferiors IDEs so just donated to it. Hope it helps.

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Thank you so much for the donation! We appreciate this! :pray:

Happy coding with PlatformIO! :rocket:


Слава Україні! Героям Слава! :ukraine:


I am very supportive of Ukraine! But can the war be stopped if the Western countries provide you with more weapons? I don’t know what your president thinks?

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Thanks for your support! :pray:

It is impossible to talk to russia. The same as talking to North Korea or terrorists. They still continue to kill civilians and children. Just a few hours they bombed civilians in a big city named Vinnytsia. You will see this soon in the news. This city is so far from the Russian border (~850Km). A lot of death and injured :cry:

There are no problems with our president, the Ukrainian people ask the whole world to help with weapons. Currently, there is a political crisis in Europe. France’s president E. Macron and Germany’s chancellor O. Scholz were unmasked in collaboration with russian president. Shortly - this is a business. Even if Germany’s or France’s citizens would like to help Ukrainians, they can’t, these “political guys” block everything to keep warm relations with putin. Also, the same with Hungarian V. Orban.

To sum up, russia has spent a lot of $$$ for the last decades on putting down “roots” in European safety and stability. It is a russian’s dream to destroy the EU and restore the soviet union. The war has shown who helps russia with this…


And sadly, probably now Italy as well.
Come on all you Diggers, get off yer squats and hit yer kicks. These blokes need serious help and they need it right now.


加油勇敢的乌克兰人民。 。。。。。。。。。。。。