Installing libraries not from the library manager

Hello everyone!

I want to use library called “TextLCD Enhanced” from here:

More info here:

But I can’t find it with a library manager:

Is there a way to install it manually or what is other way to use it in my project?

P.S. I was also trying to find it by author: Wim Huiskamp. There are several libraries of him, but not TextLCD related.

Might one of these be the right one? PlatformIO Registry

Anyways if you want that exact repo code I’d just go the link you’ve posted and press “Download repository: zip”, then extract it in a new folder in your project’s lib folder. You should then be able to use it.


Found the way:

  1. pay attention what is installation instruction for library on its documentation page:

  2. if it is mentioned as: “hg …” - you will need an hg client installed in your system. Client installation instructions here:
    Download - Mercurial

  3. launch VSCode + PlatformIO
    start the PIO terminal and type the following command:
    platformio lib -g install TextLCD - Updated for more display types. Fixed memoryaddr… | Mbed
    platformio lib -g install “http-address of target library on mbed-forum”

  4. Try to compile