Circular_queue/circular_queue_mp.h: No such file or directory

I am trying to resolve the error

src/EspSoftwareSerial-8.1.0/examples/circular_queue_mp_test/mp_queue_test.cpp:8:10: fatal error: circular_queue/circular_queue_mp.h: No such file or directory

The error appeared after changing the Hardware serial to the software serial even after adding the required libraries to platformio.ini (mentioned below)

lib_deps = 

Basically, I am writing a code for HMI Device which is connected to esp32 over RS485 Communication Protocol. The esp32 has to receive the required data over a communication protocol (extract) and then process it. After Processing it has to generate a control signal which sent back to the HMI device to control the operation. For now I want to test the receiving end by sending hex string or log file (in hex format) with the help of CoolTerm and USB serial Port of MAX-485 to TTL converter by sending the text log file or Hex numbers . Also check my code and help me to resolve the software serial error and suggestions for testing?

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "Receving_end" // Include the header file for the receiving end

const int RS485_DE = 33;   // DE (Driver Enable) pin connected to GPIO4
const int RS485_RE = 32;   // RE (Receiver Enable) pin connected to GPIO27
const int RS485_TX = 26;  // TX pin connected to GPIO17
const int RS485_RX = 27;  // RX pin connected to GPIO16

SoftwareSerial RS485(26, 27); // RX, TX

void configureRS485()

  pinMode(RS485_DE, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RS485_RE, OUTPUT);

  // Set baud rate
  Serial2.begin(9600, SERIAL_8E1, RS485_TX, RS485_RX);

void enableRS485Receive() {
  digitalWrite(RS485_RE, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(RS485_DE, LOW); 

void setup() {
  // Initialize RS485 communication
  //RS485.begin(9600, SERIAL_8E1, RS485_TX, RS485_RX); // 8 data bits, 9600 baud, even parity, 1 stop bit
  extern void processReceiveData (uint8_t *han);


void loop() {
    uint8_t receivedData[20];

      unsigned long timeOut = millis() + 100;  
  while (millis() < timeOut && RS485.available() < 20) { }
  int bytesRead = RS485.readBytes(receivedData, 20);
External File
        #include <HardwareSerial.h>
#include <ESP32Time.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <string.h> // Added missing include directive for "string.h"
#define MAX_ROWS 10
#define MAX_COLUMNS 30

#define OnOffLedPin 25

// Sensor data variables
float ambient_temp; 
float inner_temp;
float set_temp;
int op_status;

char strOutput[100];
bool bNoComm = false; // or true

//Timer Timer_UPL;
int UPL_value = 0;

char code[9];
char version[7];
// Assuming lb_OD_Main_Micom is a String
String lb_OD_Main_Micom;
char lb_OD_Inverter_Micom[50];
char lb_ID_Inverter_Micom[50];
int outdoor_infor_2[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLUMNS]; // Assuming MAX_ROWS and MAX_COLUMNS are defined
int outdoor_infor_1[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLUMNS]; // Assuming MAX_ROWS and MAX_COLUMNS are defined
int Indoor_infor[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLUMNS];
int Outdoor_infor[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLUMNS];
uint8_t han[64]; // han array is declared as an integer array, as it is used to store hexadecimal values

std::time_t getTime() {
    return std::time(nullptr);

// Declare Me and file_name_txt variables
struct MeStruct {
    struct SaveFileDialogStruct {
        char FileName[256];
    } SaveFileDialog2;

    struct InforStruct {
        char Value[256];
    } Indoor_infor[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLUMNS];  // Corrected member name

    struct Outdoor_inforStruct {
        char Value[256];
    } Outdoor_infor[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLUMNS];

    struct Outdoor_infor_1Struct {
        char Value[256];
    } Outdoor_infor_1[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLUMNS];
} Me;

const char* file_name_txt = "D:/Backups/Backup_separate_Rx/file_name.txt";

int hex2int(const char* hex) {
    return (int)strtoul(hex, NULL, 16); // strtoul function from the C standard library to convert the string to an integer

HardwareSerial SerialPort_Outdoor(2); // Use the second hardware serial port (RX2=16, TX2=17)

// Define the check_sum_receive function
uint16_t check_sum_receive(uint8_t* han, int size) {
    // Calculate the checksum
    uint16_t checksum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        checksum += han[i];

    // Return the checksum
    return checksum;

void outdoorText() {
    struct tm now;
    strftime(strOutput, sizeof(strOutput), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", &now);

    if (!SerialPort_Outdoor.available()) {
        SerialPort_Outdoor.end(); // Close the serial port
        digitalWrite(OnOffLedPin, LOW); // Turn off the LED

    if (han[1] != 0 || han[2] > 62 || han[2] < 17) {

    if (bNoComm) {

    String receive_data = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < han[2] + 1; i++) {
        receive_data += String(han[i], HEX);
        if (han[i] == 0x34 && (han[i + 1] == 0xFD || han[i + 1] == 0xBD || han[i + 1] == 0x7D || han[i + 1] == 0x5D)) {


    // next chunk of code
    FILE* jStream;  //to write or read the file
    int check_sum_receive_value_carc[2];

    // 저장 부문 storage sector
    if (han[0] == 0x32) {
        if (Me.SaveFileDialog2.FileName[0] != '\0' || file_name_txt[0] == '\0') {
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                if (i == 0) {
                    fprintf(jStream, "%s\n", strOutput);
                    fprintf(jStream, "%c%x\n", 9, han[i]);
                } else if (i > 0) {
                    fprintf(jStream, "%c%x\n", 9, han[i]);

    // check sum 확인 후, 맞지 않을 경우 sub 탈출, 세트 현황 Display 하지 않음
    if (check_sum_receive(han, han[2]) != 0) {
        if (hex2int(receive_data.c_str()) != check_sum_receive_value_carc[0]) {

        // hex2int function is a custom function that takes a hexadecimal string as input and returns its integer equivalent
        if (hex2int(receive_data.substring(receive_data.length() - 2).c_str()) != check_sum_receive_value_carc[1]) {


//EEPROM Contents to find out outdoor unit operation status
void ODU_OP_status() {
    if (han[0] == 0x32 && han[3] == 0x10) {
        for (int j = 0; j <= 0; j++) {
           j = 0;  // Initialize j outside the loop
            for (int i = 13; i <= han[2] - 5; i++) {

                if (han[i] == 0x6 && han[i + 1] == 0xC) {
                            sprintf(code, "DB%1X%1X-%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X",
                                    (han[i + 2] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 2] & 0xF,
                                    (han[i + 3] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 3] & 0xF,
                                    (han[i + 4] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 4] & 0xF,
                                    (han[i + 5] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 5] & 0xF);

                            sprintf(version, "%1X%1X.%1X%1X.%1X%1X",
                                    (han[i + 6] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 6] & 0xF,
                                    (han[i + 7] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 7] & 0xF,
                                    (han[i + 8] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 8] & 0xF);

                            // Assuming lb_OD_EEPROM_Code is a char array for demonstration purposes
                            char lb_OD_EEPROM_Code[50];
                            sprintf(lb_OD_EEPROM_Code, "%s , %s", code, version);

                        // Main-Micom Code 보기
                        if (han[i] == 0x6 && han[i + 1] == 0x8) {
                            sprintf(code, "DB%1X%1X-%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X",
                                    (han[i + 2] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 2] & 0xF,
                                    (han[i + 3] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 3] & 0xF,
                                    (han[i + 4] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 4] & 0xF,
                                    (han[i + 5] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 5] & 0xF);

                            sprintf(version, "%1X%1X.%1X%1X.%1X%1X",
                                    (han[i + 6] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 6] & 0xF,
                                    (han[i + 7] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 7] & 0xF,
                                    (han[i + 8] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 8] & 0xF);

                            lb_OD_Main_Micom = String(code) + " , " + String(version);

                        // inverter micom code
                        if (han[i] == 0x86 && han[i + 1] == 0x01) {
                            char code[9];
                            char version[7];

                            snprintf(code, sizeof(code), "DB%1X%1X-%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X",
                                (han[i + 2] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 2] & 0xF,
                                (han[i + 3] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 3] & 0xF,
                                (han[i + 4] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 4] & 0xF,
                                (han[i + 5] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 5] & 0xF);

                            snprintf(version, sizeof(version), "%1X%1X.%1X%1X.%1X%1X",
                                (han[i + 10] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 10] & 0xF,
                                (han[i + 11] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 11] & 0xF,
                                (han[i + 12] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 12] & 0xF);

                            // Assuming lb_OD_Inverter_Micom is a character array
                            snprintf(lb_OD_Inverter_Micom, sizeof(lb_OD_Inverter_Micom), "%s , %s", code, version);

                      // 고/저압 high/low pressure  
                      if (han[i] == 0x82 && han[i + 1] == 0x6 && han[i - 2] != 0x6) {
                          outdoor_infor_2[j + 1][0] = (han[i + 2] * 256 + han[i + 3]) / 10.0;


                      if (han[i] == 0x82 && han[i + 1] == 0x8) {
                          outdoor_infor_2[j + 1][1] = (han[i + 2] * 256 + han[i + 3]) / 10.0;

                      // 목표압력 Target pressure 23/1/19
                      if (han[i] == 0x82 && han[i + 1] == 0x34) {
                          outdoor_infor_2[j + 1][3] = (han[i + 2] * 256 + han[i + 3]) / 10.0;

                    // 순시전력 (unit, Sum) Instantaneous power
                      if (han[i] == 0x84 && han[i + 1] == 0x11) {
                          outdoor_infor_1[j + 1][25] = han[i + 2] * 16777216 + han[i + 3] * 65536 + han[i + 4] * 256 + han[i + 5];

                      if (han[i] == 0x84 && han[i + 1] == 0x13) {
                          outdoor_infor_1[j + 1][26] = han[i + 2] * 16777216 + han[i + 3] * 65536 + han[i + 4] * 256 + han[i + 5];
                      // 실외온도 //outdoor temperature
                      if (han[i] == 0x82 && han[i + 1] == 0x4) {
                          int temperatureValue = han[i + 2] * 256 + han[i + 3];

                          if (temperatureValue <= 32767) {
                              outdoor_infor_2[j + 1][34] = temperatureValue / 10.0;
                              ambient_temp = temperatureValue / 10.0;
                          } else {
                              outdoor_infor_2[j + 1][34] = (temperatureValue - 65536) / 10.0;
                               ambient_temp = (temperatureValue - 65536) / 10.0;

                      // 운전용량 합 //Total operating capacity 
                      if (han[i] == 0x82 && han[i + 1] == 0x33) {
                          outdoor_infor_1[j + 1][3] = han[i + 2] * 256 + han[i + 3];

                      // 실외기 마력//Outdoor unit horsepower
                      if (han[i] == 0x82 && han[i + 1] == 0x87) {
                          outdoor_infor_1[j + 1][1] = han[i + 2] * 256 + han[i + 3];

                                            // Cooling/heating mode
                        if (han[i] == 0x80 && han[i + 1] == 0x3) {

                        switch(han[i + 2]) {

                            case 0:
                            snprintf(Me.Outdoor_infor_1[j + 1][4].Value, sizeof(Me.Outdoor_infor_1[j + 1][0]), "Main Cool");
                            case 1:
                            snprintf(Me.Outdoor_infor_1[j + 1][4].Value, sizeof(Me.Outdoor_infor_1[j + 1][0]), "Main Heat");


// Operation mode of the outdoor unit

void OP_MODE() {
    // 80 mode 1 byte
for (int i = 13; i <= han[2] - 4; i++) {
    if (han[0] == 0x32 && han[3] == 0x10) {
        for (int j = 0; j <= 0; j++) {
            j = 0;  // Initialize j outside the loop

            // OD On/Off
            if (han[i] == 0x80 && han[i + 1] == 0x01) {
                if (han[i + 2] == 0 || han[i + 2] == 7 || han[i + 2] > 39) {
                    outdoor_infor_1[j + 1][0] = 1; // On
                    //op_status = outdoor_infor_1[j + 1][0];
                } else {
                    outdoor_infor_1[j + 1][0] = 0; // Off
                     op_status = outdoor_infor_1[j + 1][0];

// Indoor unit operation status (1 Byte)
void idu_op() {
    for (int i = 13; i <= han[2] - 4; i++) {
        if (han[0] == 0x32 && han[2] != 0x14 && han[3] == 0x20) {
            for (int j = 0; j <= 6; j++) {
                j = 0;  // Initialize j outside the loop

                        // Main-Micom Code 보기
                        if (han[i] == 0x6 && han[i + 1] == 0x8) {
                            char code[9];
                            char version[7];

                            snprintf(code, sizeof(code), "DB%1X%1X-%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X%1X",
                                     (han[i + 2] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 2] & 0xF,
                                     (han[i + 3] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 3] & 0xF,
                                     (han[i + 4] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 4] & 0xF,
                                     (han[i + 5] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 5] & 0xF);

                            snprintf(version, sizeof(version), "%1X%1X.%1X%1X.%1X%1X",
                                     (han[i + 6] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 6] & 0xF,
                                     (han[i + 7] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 7] & 0xF,
                                     (han[i + 8] >> 4) & 0xF, han[i + 8] & 0xF);

                            snprintf(lb_ID_Inverter_Micom, sizeof(lb_ID_Inverter_Micom), "%s , %s", code, version);

                        // 실내기 운전 on/off  // Indoor unit operation
        if (han[i] == 0x40 && han[i + 1] == 0x0) {
            switch (han[i + 2]) {
                case 0:
                    // Me.Indoor_infor(j + 1, 0).Value = "운전 Off";
                    snprintf(Me.Indoor_infor[j + 1][0].Value, sizeof(Me.Indoor_infor[j + 1][0].Value), "운전 Off");
                case 1:
                    // Me.Indoor_infor(j + 1, 0).Value = "운전 On";
                    snprintf(Me.Indoor_infor[j + 1][0].Value, sizeof(Me.Indoor_infor[j + 1][0].Value), "운전 On");
        if(han[0] == 0x40 && han[1] == 0x02)
            // Me.Indoor_infor(j + 1, 1).Value = "Fan" fan speed 
            snprintf(Me.Indoor_infor[j + 1][1].Value, sizeof(Me.Indoor_infor[j + 1][1].Value), "Fan");


//2byte indoor unit data
void IDU_temp_data() {
    if (han[0] == 0x32 && han[2] != 0x14 && han[3] == 0x20) {
        for (int i = 13; i <= han[2] - 5; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j <= 6; j++) {
                if (han[5] == j) {
                    // Set Temp
                    if (han[i] == 0x42 && han[i + 1] == 0x01) {
                        int temperatureValue = han[i + 2] * 256 + han[i + 3];

                        if (temperatureValue <= 32767) {
                            Indoor_infor[j + 1][3] = static_cast<double>(temperatureValue) / 10.0;
                            set_temp = static_cast<double>(temperatureValue) / 10.0;
                        } else {
                            Indoor_infor[j + 1][3]= static_cast<double> (temperatureValue - 65536) / 10.0;
                            set_temp = static_cast<double> (temperatureValue - 65536) / 10.0;

                    // 실내(room) 온도 (indoor room temperature)
                    if (han[i] == 0x42 && han[i + 1] == 0x3) {
                        int temperatureValue = han[i + 2] * 256 + han[i + 3];

                        if (temperatureValue <= 32767) {
                            Indoor_infor[j + 1][6] = static_cast<double> (temperatureValue) / 10.0;
                            inner_temp = static_cast<double> (temperatureValue) / 10.0;
                        } else {
                            Indoor_infor[j + 1][6] = static_cast<double> (temperatureValue - 65536) / 10.0;
                            inner_temp = static_cast<double> (temperatureValue - 65536) / 10.0;

                    // ID 용량 (ID capacity) //Operating Capacity
                    if (han[i] == 0x42 && han[i + 1] == 0x12) {
                        Indoor_infor[j + 1][13] = han[i + 2] * 256 + han[i + 3];


Edited by @sivar2311 to make the code easier to read.
Please note How to post logs and code in PlatformIO Community Forum

The first part of my question is solved after making certain changes in the library EspSoftwareSerial-8.1.0 mp_queue_test.cpp. you can also refer to the corrected version of mp_queue_test_mp_test.

I am still looking to resolve my second part.

// circular_mp_test.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <vector>
#include "circular_queue/circular_queue_mp.h"

struct qitem
	// produer id
	int id;
	// monotonic increasing value
	int val = 0;

constexpr int TOTALMESSAGESTARGET = 60000000;
// reserve one thread as consumer
const auto THREADS = std::thread::hardware_concurrency() / 2 - 1;
circular_queue<std::thread> threads(THREADS);
circular_queue_mp<qitem> queue(threads.capacity() * MESSAGES / 10);
std::vector<int> checks(threads.capacity());

int main()
		using namespace std::chrono;
	std::cerr << "Utilizing " << THREADS << " producer threads" << std::endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < threads.capacity(); ++i)
		threads.push(std::thread([i]() {
    for (int c = 0; c < MESSAGES;)
        // simulate some load
        auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
        while (std::chrono::system_clock::now() - start < std::chrono::microseconds(1));

        // Create a qitem object
        qitem item; = i;
        item.val = c;

        // Push the qitem onto the queue
        if (queue.push(std::move(item)))
            //std::cerr << "queue full" << std::endl;
        //if (0 == c % 10000) std::this_thread::sleep_for(10us);
	for (int o = 0; o < threads.available() * MESSAGES; ++o)
		auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
		while (!queue.available())
			auto starvedFor = std::chrono::system_clock::now() - now;
			if (starvedFor > seconds(20)) std::cerr << "queue starved for > 20s" << std::endl;
		auto item = queue.pop();
		if (checks[] != item.val)
			std::cerr << "item mismatch" << std::endl;
		checks[] = item.val + 1;
		if (0 == item.val % 1000) std::this_thread::sleep_for(microseconds(100));
	while (threads.available())
		auto thread = threads.pop();
	return 0;

Congratulations on solving part of the problem.

Unfortunately, your source code looks terrible again.
Please make your code more readable by paying attention to How to post logs and code in PlatformIO Community Forum.

This will significantly increase the chance of getting help from a forum member.