I’ve been building & debugging Raspberry Pi Pico code using a Picoprobe setup (one Pico acting as the SWD debug probe) within PlatformIO and using the PIO debugger.
I thought I’d try lldb rather than gdb, as the latter can be awkward under macOS. I’ve tried debugging a few simple projects. The PIO debugger seems to work ok but there are some issues with inspecting variables.
I realize that a formal full PIO support for Raspberry Pico may not happen for quite sometime but a makeshift debugging seems to be doable in the interim.
Has anyone else tried using PIO with the Pico? If so, any insights you’d like to share? Thanks.
I wrote a couple of adapters in PIO assembler, one for reading caliper specific serial data, and the other for inverting a buffer through DMA. Works fine with a ridiculous low instruction count thanks to autopush and other clever capability of each state machine.
PIO is a very elegant solution, far more simpler to provide low level bit banging drivers than other solutions I tried already, like pSOC.
Further investigation is ongoing.
It’s been quite a while since I last used Picoprobe. I switched over to using jlink with Segger Edu Mini probe, as it’s my preferred probe for debugging, where possible.
I think I used LLDB with Pico SDK when the Pico came out last year, not with PlatformIO. At the time, it was early days of Pico - PlatformIO debug support.
As per @maxgerhardt, Picoprobe - PlatformIO combination should work fine with mbed-os Arduino core. I haven’t tried debugging a Pico with Picoprobe and the Arduino-Pico (Earle Philhower) core.