PlatformIO taskbar suddenly not showing


I have been using PlatformIO for a long time and suddenly this afternoon, the task bar with the PlatformIO icons (build, flash, monitor, etc) is not opening. Instead its showing the normal VS code taskbar. I have tried uninstalling everything, VScode, PIO, all C extensions, all extensions in fact and also deleting the .platformio folder under users.

Any help on whats caused this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you


Same thing happening to me all of a sudden. No reason. I’ve uninstalled VS Code and PlatformIO twice. Taskbar/Toolbar is still missing the compile, upload… icons.

You can still use keyboard shortcut commands!!!:
Compile —> Ctrl - Alt - C
Upload —> Ctrl - Alt - U

VERY annoying. Great software though.


I edited my post above. They keyboard commands didn’t show the first time I posted because I used “<>” around the key names. I’m just posting again for those that may have missed what the keys were. Not being able to compile and upload is a show stopper. Thus this seconds post for those that missed it:

You can still use keyboard shortcut commands!!!:
Compile —> Ctrl - Alt - C
Upload —> Ctrl - Alt - U

Ah ha!!!

My other development platform just lost the PlatformIO compile, upload, … icons as well. Visual Studio Code updated automatically to version: May 2023 (version 1.79)

That must be what broke PlatformIO’s toolbar Icons. Use those key shortcuts for now. I haven’t tried uninstalling VSC update May 2023 (version 1.79).

I am also having this problem, i.e. the blue toolbar at the bottom is gone. Not sure if it is related, but I am also getting errors that the pty host is unresponsive.

If I open my user settings.json in APPDATA, I see the platform-ide.toolbar definitions that were working previously. Also, the dropdown at the top has the Build, Upload, etc. commands

Is there a fix or workaround for this?

The problem is from VSCode 1.79. I installed 1.78 and the problem is fixed.

CC @ivankravets, unusual concentration of problem posts regarding VSCode 1.79.

Same topics:

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Sorry for the issue. Please update the PlatformIO IDE extension for VSCode to 3.2.0:

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I have installed Visual Studio code Version: 1.96.2 and PlatformIO version 3.3.3 (2024-01-26)
Still no PlatformIO taskbar

I tried the “Compile —> Ctrl - Alt - C” and all of a sudden the task toolbar appeared. I tried to use the wrench(compile), but I get an error message for the new project template
“File project_description.json cannot be found.”
Not a good start for a new-be

The taskbar (bottom bar) appears if you open a folder which contains a PlatformIO project. So at least a platformio.ini must be at the root level of the folder:


The platformio.ini is at the bottom but still get error “File project_description.json cannot be found.”

platform = espressif32
board = deneyapminiv2
framework = arduino

Where do I find the project_description.json and how do I tell the compile where to find it?

This message is not coming from PlatformIO.
You probably have an incompatible VS Code extension installed. Remove / deactivate all VS Code extensions except PlatformIO and Microsoft C/C++. Then restart VS Code.

Uninstalled all VS Code Extensions except PlatformIO and Microsoft C/C++ then restart VS Code
Tried to compile the example 250102-183622-arduino-blink , but the toolbar with the wrench(compile) disappeared. There is a taskbar with a “check-mark” which did build the script. It would not upload to my device even though it had my device in the PlatformIO.ini file.
Built a new blink file download from, added Serial.begin(9600); in setup and Serial.println(“LED_BUILTIN, HIGH”); in loop. Built it with no errors, then uploaded but failed and had to manual put the board in upload . Uploaded but fail to reset the board to run and I had to manually reset board which didn’t have any blinking or have serial output.
Copied and pasted the script in to a new Arduino IDE, uploaded and it worked without having to put the board into upload or reset board.

Not sure what I’m doing wrong with PlatformIO

Which example is this exactly and where does it come from?

What toolbar?

Which taskbar / checkmark?

So many unclear things. Can you make a few screenshots please?

How do you setup a new platformio project?

I setup the new project by going to the PlatformIO by clicking the Home icon

Then clicking the New Project button
Named the project MyBlinkTestRev0, board Deneyap Mini v2 (T3 Foundation) and framework Arduino

Click Finish

platform = espressif32
board = deneyapminiv2
framework = arduino

Simple Blink sketch
Use for PlatformIO demo

From original Arduino Blink Sketch

DroneBot Workshop 2021


#include <Arduino.h>

// Set LED_BUILTIN if undefined or not pin 13
// #define LED_BUILTIN 13

void setup()

// Initialize LED pin as an output.

void loop()
// Set the LED HIGH
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
Serial.println(“LED_BUILTIN, HIGH”);
// Wait for a second

// Set the LED LOW
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
Serial.println(“LED_BUILTIN, LOW”);
// Wait for a second

Clicked build check-mark in toolbar

Results [Success] Tool 6.57 seconds
Clicked upload arrow

This time I did not need to do anything to board to get "Hash of data verified and Leaving…
Hard resetting via RTS pin…

Clicked serial monitor, plug icon

and got

  • Executing task in folder MyBlinkTestRev0: C:\Users\wmcre.platformio\penv\Scripts\platformio.exe device monitor

— Terminal on COM3 | 9600 8-N-1
— Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, esp32_exception_decoder, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time
— More details at Redirecting...
— Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H

But no serial output
Now what?
Had to remove all screen shots and links to be able to reply

Okay, now we are on a complete different topic than “Taskbar suddenly not showing” :wink:

The project compiled, and uploaded without issues - that’s good.

Close the serial monitor, reset your board. Since the board is using the native builtin USB port for serial communication the board might get disconnect during the reset and reconnect with another COM port number for the serial monitor.

Click on the small icon to check the available COM ports:

Choose the correct one and open the monitor again.

That worked, Thanks
