I must be missing something very simple and basic. I have an ATMega2560. I compile and load a simple program which appears to be running correctly (lighting an LED to a set rhythm). The program in VSCode also appears to break and step as you would expect. The problem is that the board continues running while the VSCode debugger is stepping - implying that it is looking at a simulation rather than the actual board.
My platformio.ini:
platform = atmelavr
board = megaatmega2560
framework = arduino
debug_tool = simavr
debug_init_break = tbreak setup
monitor_filters = debug
lib_deps =
miguelpynto/ShiftDisplay @ ^3.6.1
I’ve tried using gdb from the CLI and that too acts as if it is working, but through a simulator and not the actual board. I used the Platformio home to set up the project in VSCode which appeared to work correctly.
Is there something else I should be doing? (main.cpp posted below).
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ShiftDisplay.h>
#define PIN_LED_8 (8u)
#define PIN_LED_9 (9u)
#define PIN_LED_10 (10u)
#define PIN_LED_11 (11u)
#define DIGIT_1 PIN_LED_8
#define DIGIT_2 PIN_LED_9
#define DIGIT_3 PIN_LED_10
#define DIGIT_4 PIN_LED_11
ShiftDisplay display1(COMMON_CATHODE, 1);
ShiftDisplay display2(COMMON_CATHODE, 1);
ShiftDisplay display3(COMMON_CATHODE, 1);
ShiftDisplay display4(COMMON_CATHODE, 1);
unsigned int digit_table[] = {DIGIT_1, DIGIT_2, DIGIT_3, DIGIT_4};
void setup() {
pinMode(DIGIT_1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DIGIT_2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DIGIT_3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DIGIT_4, OUTPUT);
for (int i = 5; i > 0; i--) {
digitalWrite(digit_table[0], LOW);
display1.show(i, 400, ALIGN_CENTER); // store number and show it for 400ms
display1.setDot(1, true); // add dot to stored number
display1.show(400); // show number with dot for 400ms
digitalWrite(digit_table[0], HIGH);
void loop() {
for (int i = 5; i > 0; i--) {
digitalWrite(digit_table[0], LOW);
digitalWrite(digit_table[0], HIGH);
for (int i = 50; i > 0; i--) {
digitalWrite(digit_table[0], LOW);
digitalWrite(digit_table[0], HIGH);