Install platformio under Win10 x64 VS-Code Fail!

Hello all, I got a problem installing platformio under VS-Code. Install fail and return message " Failed to install PlatformIO IDE.", On each restart of VS-Code I get installation process for, “PlatformIO Installer: Downloading portable Python interpreter”, then “PlatformIO Installer: PlatformIO Core” and finally Fail message ! Any idea ?
My Config VS-Code :
Version : 1.56.2 (user setup)
Commit : 054a9295330880ed74ceaedda236253b4f39a335
Date : 2021-05-12T17:13:13.157Z
Electron : 12.0.4
Chrome : 89.0.4389.114
Node.js : 14.16.0
V8 :
OS : Windows_NT x64 10.0.19042

Snapshot :

Duplicate of Failed to Install PlatformIO v2.3.0 on VS Code v1.54.3