Compiled software but then I receive the error message:
A fatal error occured: Could not open COM20, the port doesn´t exist.
Of course I checked and the Windows Device Manager shows the port and the device.
It´s an ttgo-lora32-v21
Device Manager shows: USB-Enhanced-Serial CH9102 (COM20)
I really would love to upload the compiled firmware but it does not work…
Also put upload_port = COM20 in platformio.ini without success
Not sure but I am using Docker - DEV Container:Python 3
do I have to configure something here??
Tried again with upload_port = \\.\COM20
same problem and error message.
I checked the board and it´s working.
The cable is also fine.
I was able to upload meshtastic and other software like tinygs with their web based flashing tools.
When I launch the PlatformIO: Serial Monitor
it does not show any available ports
if I type in COM20
I receive: Error: could not open port COM20: No such file or directory: COM20
The lower left of VSCode (in your very pixelated image) says something about “Dev Container Python 3”? Are you perhaps connected to some remote machine or local continer?
Thats correct.
I had to install Docker on my machine to compile the code. (Never had this before…)
I am not a programmer… and do not have this much knowledge unfortunately.
So when I open the folder with PlatformIO it is always starting the DevContainer
I also thought, that the COM Port is not working due to the container?? but I am lost as I do not know if and where I have to configure the upload port somewhere else outside PlatformIO
Ok… mmmhhh
So I had a lot of trouble with this project.
I downloaded the code from GITHUB and unpacked it on my desktop in a folder
When I open the folder with PlatformIO a message comes up with: Folder contains a DevContainer configuration file. Reopen folder to develop in a container…
If you want it to work in that “DevContainer” thing, which I presume is just a Docker container, you’ll probably have to adapt the config file to make it have access to all your serial ports / USB devices. And if it’s a Linux one it’ll not use COMx as port, but /dev/ttyUSB0 or whatever.