Hello folks
i was trying recently to increase bootloader size by increasing partition table offset, this is noted in IDF documentation but flashing with platformio had made overlap, and doesnt work,
i looked up the script and found that the partition table offset and app offset is always fixed no matter what is set in menuconfig,
so i propose this : in the espidf.py :
line 1067 :
("0x1000", os.path.join("$BUILD_DIR", "bootloader.bin")),
(board.get("build.partition_table_offset", "0x8000"), os.path.join("$BUILD_DIR", "partitions.bin")),
so in the board discription json we can add / or not
“partition_table_offset”: “0x9000”,
then we have to update manually app partition offset , which is set to 0x10000 fixed in main.py
elif upload_protocol == “esptool”:
env.Replace( UPLOADER=join( platform.get_package_dir("tool-esptoolpy") or "", "esptool.py"), UPLOADERFLAGS=[ "--chip", mcu, "--port", '"$UPLOAD_PORT"', "--baud", "$UPLOAD_SPEED", "--before", "default_reset", "--after", "hard_reset", "write_flash", "-z", "--flash_mode", "${__get_board_flash_mode(__env__)}", "--flash_freq", "${__get_board_f_flash(__env__)}", "--flash_size", "detect" ], UPLOADCMD='"$PYTHONEXE" "$UPLOADER" $UPLOADERFLAGS $SOURCE' ) for image in env.get("FLASH_EXTRA_IMAGES", []): env.Append(UPLOADERFLAGS=[image[0], env.subst(image[1]) ,]) env.Append(UPLOADERFLAGS=board.get("build.factory_app_offset", "0x10000"))
i am working with Wrover board all the time , i need to raise a notice that the debug server doesn’t work properly with the wrover kit : i had to replace the openocd to the latest version released by espressif, and replace the deprecated board script by this one esp32-wrover-kit-3.3v instead of “esp32-wrover.cfg”
and the debug works just fine after that
nevertheless, with this being said , i found that the upload command using ftdi and jtag doesn’t work in this way … i hope this can be fixed ?
any idea to push these fixes to the next pio update ?