I am trying to move an existing project form an ESP8266 to the ESP32-C6. According to Espressif, their Arduino core supports the C6 (GitHub - espressif/arduino-esp32: Arduino core for the ESP32) however when I try to compile with Platform IO I get an error:
Error: This board doesn’t support arduino framework!
My ini file has this set of options for this board:
Huh, I’m trying to parse what that means. Is Espressif saying they pull PlatformIO support in general, or only for Arduino? Would be a bummer if their ESP IDF platform does not support PlatformIO either. That might actually mean that for future projects I’d switch to a different microprocessor.
Thanks for the info though. I will look through my dependencies and check how many of them actually have ESP IDF version / support that. I wanted to look into switching over to that for a while now but never wanted to spend the time. Maybe this is a good incentive.
If it turns out to be too complicated, I will look into pioarduino.
I had the same issue. Then I found this: XIAO ESP32C6 with PlatformIO | Seeed Studio Wiki
This solved the issue for me and I am able to build and deploy to my SEEED XIAO ESP32-C6 board. My platformio.ini looks like this (sorry for the image, but I am allowed to have only 2 links in a post