ESP32C6 support

Hi amazing community.

I would like to start a new project with esp32 c6 .by using platformio.
I would like to have a general status about what is supported if framework is arduino or espressif.
Can you please create a table similar about what you can find here ?


The official PlatformIO espressif32 platform supports the ESP32-C6 boards with only the ESP-IDF (v5.2.2) framework.

The forked Tasmato espressif32 platform supports ESP32-C6 with ESP-IDF 5.1.4 and Arduino-ESP32 3.0.2 (and bleeding edge).

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Hi @maxgerhardt …
Long time i don’t hear you.
I hope everything is fine.
In your opinion since i have to develop specific features for cyber security for esp32c6 (secure boot , secure update usage of TEE) do you think it is ok to use platformio with the ESP-IDF framework or it is better to use the native IDE and framework.
Thanks in advance for your reply


Use ESP-IDF. I don’t see progress being made for using flash encryption / secure boot in PlatformIO.

With a caveat that the Tasmota fork does not support the Zigbee radio functionality of the C6.

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And that’s due to the Tasmota fork missing something due to being behind in ESP-IDF or Arduino-ESP32 version or due to these frameworks not yet supporting it?