After the last update of the platforms and vscode iI have some problems
with task runner (vscode), and general with rebuilding c/c++ project index (vscode, atom)
Hi @sstaub!
Could you please run in IDE terminal next command pio platform show wiznet7500
and share here output?
The problem is also on stm32, not only on wiznet, maybe mbed is the problem
that the output for wiznet
bash: No such file or directory
licht-mbp:blinky sstaub$ pio platform show wiznet7500
wiznet7500 ~ WIZNet W7500
The IOP (Internet Offload Processor) W7500 is the one-chip solution which integrates an ARM Cortex-M0, 128KB Flash and hardwired T
CP/IP core for various embedded application platform especially requiring Internet of things
Version: f87f256
Home: PlatformIO Registry
Repository: GitHub - platformio/platform-wiznet7500: WIZnet W7500: development platform for PlatformIO
License: Apache-2.0
Frameworks: mbed
Package framework-mbed
Type: framework
Requirements: ~4.146.0
Installed: Yes
Version: 4.146.0
Original version: 1.46
Description: mbed Framework
Package tool-openocd
Type: debugger
Requirements: ~1.1000.0
Installed: Yes
Version: 1.1000.1
Original version: 10.0
Description: OpenOCD
Package toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi
Type: toolchain
Requirements: >=1.60301.0
Installed: Yes
Version: 1.60301.0
Original version: 6.3.1
Description: gcc-arm-embedded
ID MCU Frequency Flash RAM Name
wizwiki_w7500 WIZNET7500 48Mhz 128kB 48kB WIZNet WIZwiki-W7500
wizwiki_w7500p WIZNET7500P 48Mhz 128kB 48kB WIZNet WIZwiki-W7500P
wizwiki_w7500eco WIZNET7500ECO 48Mhz 128kB 48kB WIZNet WIZwiki-W7500ECO
licht-mbp:blinky sstaub$
Hm, that’s strange. Could you please try to reinstall wiznet
pio platform uninstall wiznet7500
pio platform install
Sorry, i got the wrong folder. Wiznet works now, only the task popup on vscode remains
(I think MS changed some things on the task runner with vscode 1.14)
ok, does stm32 platform work properly after reinstalling?