Windows command limit

For large projects holding many include directories, the project compile command get too long, beyond windows limit.

One cause is the package renaming when installing more than one package of the same platform.


Project 1 depends on official framework-arduinoespressif32.
Project 2 depends on a custom build of arduino framework.

The second one got renamed to something as framework-arduinoespressif32@src-093fb8619fcf98944cc8fa3c6dce0b8d which is too long, causes an error of:

xtensa-esp32-elf-g++: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory

Some suggestions off my head:

  • Setting a limit of the hash
  • Letting the user customize its name at:
platform_packages =
    platformio/[custom-name] @[username]/arduino-esp32

Any solution so far?