WiFiManager ESP32-S3 (ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1)

VSCode, PlatformIO, Arduino Framework

ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 (Espressif)


workspace_dir = .pio.nosync
default_envs = plainWiFi

platform = espressif32
board = esp32-s3-devkitc-1
board_build.filesystem = littlefs
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200

lib_deps = 

build_flags = 

monitor_filters = 

Program Code:

#include <Arduino.h>

#if defined(ESP8266)
    #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
    #include <WiFi.h>

#include <WiFiManager.h>

WiFiManager wm;

void setup() 
  Serial.println("Lets get started ...");
  //-- WiFiManager
  Serial.println("Initiate WiFiManager ..");
  //-- Local intialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
  WiFiManager wm;
  //-- reset settings - for testing
  //-- sets timeout until configuration portal gets turned off
  //-- useful to make it all retry or go to sleep
  //-- in seconds
  //-- fetches ssid and pass and tries to connect
  //-- if it does not connect it starts an access point with the specified name
  //-- here  "AutoConnectAP"
  //-- and goes into a blocking loop awaiting configuration
    Serial.println("failed to connect and hit timeout");
    //-- reset and try again

  //-- if we get here we have connected to the WiFi
  Serial.println("Connected to WiFi");
  delay(1000); // Give connection time to stabilize

void loop() 

After flashing the sketch to the board, it is immediately noticeable that the board does not start automatically.

So after manually pressing [reset], this is the output:

[   268][I][esp32-hal-psram.c:96] psramInit(): PSRAM enabled
[   299][V][esp32-hal-uart.c:330] uartBegin(): UART0 baud(115200) Mode(800001c) rxPin(44) txPin(43)
[   307][V][esp32-hal-uart.c:416] uartBegin(): UART0 not installed. Starting installation
[   316][V][esp32-hal-uart.c:463] uartBegin(): UART0 initialization done.
Lets get started ...
Initiate WiFiManager ..
*wm:v2.0.17  D:2
[  2329][D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1040] _eventCallback(): Arduino Event: 0 - WIFI_READY
E (4469) phy_init: store_cal_data_to_nvs_handle: store calibration data failed(0x110e)

[  2369][V][WiFiGeneric.cpp:341] _arduino_event_cb*w(): STA Started
:No wifi saved, skipping 
*wm:AutoConnect: FAILED for  58 ms
[  2387][D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1040] _eventCallback(): Arduino Event: 2 - STA_START
[  2396][V][WiFiGeneric.cpp:393] _arduino_event_cb(): AP Started
*wm:StartAP with SSID:  ESP32S3-AP
[  2402][E][WiFiAP.cpp:169] softAP(): set AP config failed
[  2410][D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1040] _eventCallback(): Arduino Event: 10 - AP_START
[  2411][V][WiFiGeneric.cpp:344] _arduino_event_cb(): STA Stopped
o  2423][D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1040] _eventC[a l l2b4a2c3k]([)V:] [AWridFuiiGneon eErviecn.tc:p p3: 3-9 6S]T A__aSrTdOuPin
_event_cb(): AP Stopped
[  2436][D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1040] _eventCallback(): Arduino Event: 11 - AP_STOP
*wm:[ERROR] There was a problem starting the AP 
*wm:AP IP address:
*wm:Starting Web Portal 
[  2910][V][WiFiServer.h:42] WiFiServer(): WiFiServer::WiFiServer(port=80, ...)
[  2926][V][WebServer.cpp:88] WebServer(): WebServer::Webserver(port=80)

these errors occur:
[ 2402][E][WiFiAP.cpp:169] softAP(): set AP config failed
*wm:[ERROR] There was a problem starting the AP

… and although it then says that a web portal is being started on port 80, it is not visible in the available APs list.

My question is: Am I the only person who has troubles getting the WiFiManager to work with an (Espressif) ESP32-S3 board? And if not, how do I solve this?

Ok, this line:

E (4469) phy_init: store_cal_data_to_nvs_handle: store calibration data failed(0x110e)

Seems to be the problem.
In the partitions table there needs to be a nvs partition of at least 0x4000 and a phy_init partition of (at least?) 0x1000.