WiFi Manager - please, your help for choosing a library

I’ve been trying to implement some interface like WiFi Manager in my code. I’m first trying this one:

But, despite all that huge code, it doesn’t connect via DHCP. In a message at Serial Monitor it reports an IP address that doesn’t match my local network.

Does someone know this library? Any clue about this failure?

Does someone recommend any other WiFi Manager library?

Thank you.

I’m trying it again, now with khoih-prog / ESPAsync_WiFiManager.

I’ve placed the code example Async_AutoConnectWithFeedback inside my own code, commenting out all other WiFi and related existing libs.

But I’m facing some issues.

During setup it’s reported that the device has connected to one of my home’s WiFi routers (WiFi-Home 4), which has gateway IP But the report says the client’s IP is and gateways’s is !
In fact it doesn’t connect.

Moreover, SPIFFS doesn’t start anymore.

E (30) SPIFFS: mount failed, -10025

[E][SPIFFS.cpp:89] begin(): Mounting SPIFFS failed! Error: -1

Starting Async_AutoConnectWithFeedBack using LittleFS on TTGO LoRa32-OLED v2.1.6
ESPAsync_WiFiManager v1.9.3
[WM] RFC925 Hostname = AutoConnectWithFeedBack
[WM] setSTAStaticIPConfig
[WM] Set CORS Header to : Your Access-Control-Allow-Origin
ESP Self-Stored: SSID = WiFi-Home 4, Pass = gracamello
[WM] * Add SSID = WiFi-Home 4 , PW = gracamello
Got ESP Self-Stored Credentials. Timeout 120s for Config Portal
[WM] LoadWiFiCfgFile
[WM] stationIP = , gatewayIP =
[WM] netMask =
[WM] dns1IP = , dns2IP =
Got stored Credentials. Timeout 120s for Config Portal
Current Timezone is not set. Enter Config Portal to set.
ConnectMultiWiFi in setup
[WM] ConnectMultiWiFi with :
[WM] * Flash-stored Router_SSID = WiFi-Home 4 , Router_Pass = gracamello
[WM] * Add SSID = WiFi-Home 4 , PW = gracamello
[WM] Connecting MultiWifi…
[WM] WiFi connected after time: 1
[WM] SSID: WiFi-Home 4 ,RSSI= -49
[WM] Channel: 11 ,IP address:
After waiting 10.49 secs more in setup(), connection result is connected. Local IP:
[WM] freeing allocated params!

Please, could someone help?
Thank you.
Regards, Ciro.

I found the issue here:

// LittleFS has higher priority than SPIFFS


// Currently, ESP32-C3 only supporting SPIFFS and EEPROM. Will fix to support 


#define USE_LITTLEFS false

#define USE_SPIFFS true


#define USE_LITTLEFS false

#define USE_SPIFFS true


As I’ve got no LittleFS partition, I had to set only “USE_SPIFFS” as true.