Wierd linker error

Hello, Im working on a project that run in a Teensy 4 and so far I havent had any problems (other that some serial stuff I had to patch) until now.

Before I contrinue, heres my code:

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Encoder.h> // TODO Use teensy's built-in quad decoder
#include <PID_v1.h>

// ROS Message Types
#include <ros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Empty.h>
#include <nav_msgs/Odometry.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>

#define PWMA 3
#define PWMB 2
#define DIR1_A 9
#define DIR2_A 10
#define DIR1_B 11
#define DIR2_B 12
#define MIN_PWM -255
#define CHAN_3 15
#define CHAN_4 16
#define CPR_CONS 1100 
#define MAX_RPM 2
#define MAX_SPEED 1
#define WHEEL_DIAMETER 0.1
#define LR_WHEELS_DISTANCE 0.235
#define CMD_TIMEOUT 1000

// Globals
// TODO find optimal constants.
// TODO reduce number of globals.

struct Motor /* Structs that encapsultes motor control */
  double kp = 100;
  double ki = 7500;
  double kd = 0.2;
  double target = 0;
  double speed = 0;
  double output = 0;
  long last_point = 0;
  uint32_t last_millis = 0; // TODO Proctect against rollover
  uint8_t pwm_pin;
  bool dir;
  uint8_t dir_pins[2];
}motors[2], temp_motor;

struct SpeedCmd
  float lin_vel = 0;
  float ang_vel = 0;
  unsigned long cmd_time = 0;
}new_speed, last_speed, actual_speed;

struct Pose
  double x = 0;
  double y = 0;
  double theta = 0;


bool vel_cmd_flag = 0;
bool timeout_flag = 0;
uint8_t mode=0;

volatile int32_t chan3_pwm_len = 0;
volatile uint32_t chan3_rising_micros = 0;
volatile int32_t chan4_pwm_len = 0;
volatile uint32_t chan4_rising_micros = 0;

nav_msgs::Odometry odom;

// Objects
PID motorA(&motors[0].speed, &motors[0].output, &motors[0].target, motors[0].kp, motors[0].ki, motors[0].kd, DIRECT);
PID motorB(&motors[1].speed, &motors[1].output, &motors[1].target, motors[1].kp, motors[1].ki, motors[1].kd, DIRECT);

ros::NodeHandle nh;

Encoder encoderA(5, 6);
Encoder encoderB(7, 8);

// Prototypes
void calculate_speed(long, Motor*);
int8_t get_serial_parameters(uint8_t*, uint8_t*, double*, double*, double*, double*);
void vel_callback(const geometry_msgs::Twist& cmd_msg);
void pid_update_callback(const geometry_msgs::Vector3& cmd_msg);
void check_cmds();
void write_motor(Motor m1);
void set_dir(Motor m2, direction dir);
void chan3_isr(void);
void chan4_isr(void);
void cmd_to_revs_diff(const SpeedCmd*, Motor*, Motor*);
double compute_input(uint32_t, bool);
void compute_pose(int32_t, int32_t);
void compute_odom(nav_msgs::Odometry*, Pose, SpeedCmd);
void compute_twist(SpeedCmd* s1, double m1, double m2);

ros::Subscriber<geometry_msgs::Twist> cmd_sub("cmd_vel", vel_callback);
ros::Subscriber<geometry_msgs::Vector3> pid_sub("pid_vals", pid_update_callback);

ros::Publisher pub_odometry("odom", &odom);

void setup() 
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(CHAN_3), chan3_isr, CHANGE); // TODO Only attach when in recovery mode;
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(CHAN_4), chan4_isr, CHANGE);
  analogWriteFrequency(PWMA, 400);
  analogWriteFrequency(PWMB, 400);
  motors[0].pwm_pin = PWMA;
  motors[1].pwm_pin = PWMB;
  motors[0].dir_pins[0] = DIR1_A;
  motors[0].dir_pins[1] = DIR2_A;
  motors[1].dir_pins[0] = DIR1_B;
  motors[1].dir_pins[1] = DIR2_B;
  motorB.SetSampleTime(PID_SAMPLE_TIME); // TODO Find optimal sampling time.
  pinMode(motors[0].pwm_pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motors[1].pwm_pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CHAN_3, INPUT);
  pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
  motorA.SetOutputLimits(MIN_PWM, 255);
  motorB.SetOutputLimits(MIN_PWM, 255);

void loop() 
  static uint32_t last_update=0;
  if(millis()-last_update > 1) // TODO make this a timer.
      Serial1.printf("Time diff: %d \r\n", micros()-chan4_rising_micros);
      if(mode /* && micros()-chan4_rising_micros < 2000*/) // FIXME When RC is disonnected, motors spin up.
          Serial1.printf("Chan3 length: %d, Chan4 length: %d \r\n", chan3_pwm_len, chan4_pwm_len);
          SpeedCmd s = {compute_input(chan3_pwm_len, 1), compute_input(chan4_pwm_len, 0)}; // TODO Make deadzone; Make dz automatically adjustable; 
          cmd_to_revs_diff(&s, &motors[0], &motors[1]);
      calculate_speed(encoderA.read(), &motors[0]); // TODO Protect against rollover
      calculate_speed(encoderB.read(), &motors[1]);
      compute_pose(encoderA.read(), encoderB.read());
      compute_twist(&actual_speed, motors[0].speed, motors[1].speed);
      compute_odom(&odom, pose, actual_speed);
      last_update = millis();

void calculate_speed(long new_point, Motor *motor) // Calculates rev/s from encoders.
// TODO change timing into mircoseconds; protect against rollover.
  double time_elapsed;
  time_elapsed = ((double)(millis()-motor->last_millis))/1000;
  motor->speed = (double)(new_point-motor->last_point)/(CPR_CONS*time_elapsed);   
  motor->last_point = new_point;
  motor->last_millis = millis();

int8_t get_serial_parameters(uint8_t* id, uint8_t* mode, double* speed, double* p, double* i, double* d) // Grab paramaters and cmds from Serial.
// TODO try strtol; protect against overflow; pass Streaming object.
  static char serial_buf[100];
  static uint8_t k = 0;
  static unsigned int timeout_time = 0;
  static bool timer_flag = 0;
  if (!timer_flag && Serial1.available()) 
      memset(serial_buf, 0, sizeof(serial_buf));
      timeout_time = millis() + 1000;
      timer_flag = 1;
      k = 0;

  if(millis() < timeout_time && Serial1.available())
      while(Serial1.available() && k < sizeof(serial_buf))
          serial_buf[k] = Serial1.read();
      return 0;
  if (millis() > timeout_time && timer_flag)
      k = 0;
      timer_flag = 0; 
      Serial1.print("Message recived:");
      char param_buffer[20];
      char *p1 = serial_buf, *p2;
      for(int j=0; j<6; j++)
          p2 = strchr(p1, ';');
          if(p2 == NULL)break;
          if((p2-p1) > sizeof(param_buffer))
              p1 = p2+1;
          if((p2-p1) == 0)
              p1 = p2+1;
          memset(param_buffer, 0, sizeof(param_buffer));
          memcpy(param_buffer, p1, p2-p1);
          p1 = p2+1;
          if(param_buffer[0] == NULL)
          if(j==0) sscanf(param_buffer, "%u", id);
          else if(j==1) sscanf(param_buffer, "%u", mode);
          else if(j==2) sscanf(param_buffer, "%lf", speed);
          else if(j==3) sscanf(param_buffer, "%lf", p);
          else if(j==4) sscanf(param_buffer, "%lf", i);
          else if(j==5) sscanf(param_buffer, "%lf", d);
      return 1;
  return 0;

void vel_callback(const geometry_msgs::Twist& cmd_msg) // Processes Twist cmd from ROS.
  last_speed = new_speed;
  new_speed.lin_vel = cmd_msg.linear.y;
  new_speed.ang_vel = cmd_msg.angular.z;
  new_speed.cmd_time = millis();
  vel_cmd_flag = 1;
  timeout_flag = 0;

void check_cmds() // Polls cmds flags.
// TODO change flags var to array and use memcmp with prev state; Abstract cmd exec into separate functions; Use less globals;
  if(!timeout_flag && millis() > new_speed.cmd_time + CMD_TIMEOUT)
      motors[0].target = 0;
      motors[1].target = 0;
      Serial1.println("Command timer timed out... Shutting down motors.");
      timeout_flag = 1;
      mode = 1;
      cmd_to_revs_diff(&new_speed, &motors[0], &motors[1]);
      Serial1.print("Setting motor speed 1 to: ");
      Serial1.print("Setting motor speed 2 to: ");
      mode = 0;
      vel_cmd_flag = 0;

void write_motor(Motor mwrite)
  if(mwrite.output >= 0) 
      set_dir(mwrite, FORWARD);
      analogWrite(mwrite.pwm_pin, mwrite.output);
      set_dir(mwrite, BACKWARD);     
      analogWrite(mwrite.pwm_pin, -mwrite.output);

void set_dir(Motor mdir, direction dir)
  switch (dir)
      case FORWARD:
        digitalWrite(mdir.dir_pins[0], HIGH);
        digitalWrite(mdir.dir_pins[1], LOW);
      case BACKWARD:
        digitalWrite(mdir.dir_pins[0], LOW);
        digitalWrite(mdir.dir_pins[1], HIGH);
      case BRAKE:
        digitalWrite(mdir.dir_pins[0], LOW);
        digitalWrite(mdir.dir_pins[1], LOW);
      case BRAKE2:
        digitalWrite(mdir.dir_pins[0], HIGH);
        digitalWrite(mdir.dir_pins[1], HIGH);


void pid_update_callback(const geometry_msgs::Vector3& pid_vals) // Update PID constants from ROS Vector3 msg
// TODO Change to custom msg. Update motors parameters independently.
  motorA.SetTunings((double)pid_vals.x, (double)pid_vals.y, (double)pid_vals.z);
  motorB.SetTunings((double)pid_vals.x, (double)pid_vals.y, (double)pid_vals.z);
  Serial1.print("PID Vals - P: ");
  Serial1.print(" I: ");
  Serial1.print(" D: ");

void chan3_isr() // TODO Make it more reusable; Change to better name;
      chan3_rising_micros = micros();
      chan3_pwm_len = micros() - chan3_rising_micros;
      if(chan3_pwm_len <= 0) chan3_pwm_len =  chan3_pwm_len + micros(); // Protect from rollover
      if(chan3_pwm_len > 2000) chan3_pwm_len = 0; // Recover from disconnection

void chan4_isr() // TODO Make it more reusable; Change to better name;
      chan4_rising_micros = micros();
      chan4_pwm_len = micros() - chan4_rising_micros;
      if(chan4_pwm_len <= 0) chan4_pwm_len =  chan4_pwm_len + micros(); // Protect from rollover
      if(chan4_pwm_len > 2000) chan4_pwm_len = 0; // Recover from disconnection

void cmd_to_revs_diff(const SpeedCmd* sp, Motor* ma, Motor* mb) // Transform linear and angular velocities into rev/s for differential drive.
// TODO Accept robot parameters as struct
  ma->target = (sp->lin_vel - LR_WHEELS_DISTANCE*sp->ang_vel)/((WHEEL_DIAMETER/2)*(2*PI));
  mb->target = (sp->lin_vel + LR_WHEELS_DISTANCE*sp->ang_vel)/((WHEEL_DIAMETER/2)*(2*PI));

double compute_input(uint32_t len, bool mode) // Calulates speed from RC pulse length. Mode 1: 0-max, Mode 0: -max - max;
      if (len <= 1110) len = 1000;
      return (((double)len - 1000)*MAX_RPM)/1000;

      if (len <= 1110) len = 1000;
      return (((double)len - 1500)*MAX_RPM)/1000;

void compute_pose(int32_t a, int32_t b) // Appoximates odometry from deadreckoning. 
// TODO Accept robot parameters; Resetable coordinate frame; Potect against overflow.
  static int32_t last_a = 0, last_b = 0;
  double delta_a_rad = (((double)(a - last_a))/CPR_CONS)*2*PI;
  double delta_b_rad = (((double)(b - last_b))/CPR_CONS)*2*PI;
  double s = (delta_a_rad + delta_b_rad)/2;
  pose.theta = pose.theta + (delta_a_rad-delta_b_rad)/(2*FR_WHEELS_DISTANCE);
  pose.x = pose.x + s*cos(pose.theta);
  pose.y = pose.y + s*sin(pose.theta);

void compute_twist(SpeedCmd* s, int32_t m1_speed, int32_t m2_speed) // Appoximates the current speed of robot.
  s->lin_vel = ((double)(m1_speed+m2_speed)*WHEEL_DIAMETER)*PI;
  s->ang_vel = ((double)(m1_speed-m2_speed)*WHEEL_DIAMETER*PI)/(FR_WHEELS_DISTANCE);
  s->cmd_time = 0;

void compute_odom(nav_msgs::Odometry* odom, Pose p, SpeedCmd s) // Combines current pose and speed into odom to send to ROS
  odom->twist.twist.linear.y = (double)s.lin_vel;
  odom->twist.twist.angular.z = (double)s.ang_vel;
  odom->pose.pose.position.x = p.x;
  odom->pose.pose.position.y = p.y;
  odom->pose.pose.position.z = 0;
  odom->pose.pose.orientation.w = cos(p.theta/2);
  odom->pose.pose.orientation.z = sin(p.theta/2);
  odom->pose.pose.orientation.x = 0;
  odom->pose.pose.orientation.y = 0;

The github project is here: GitHub - octavio2895/ros_mcu: ROS enabled Teensy microcontroller for motor and sensor control.

Up until the last commit, everything was builidng and flashing without a problem. I continued to develop the code some more and added a few more functions. One of which is causing the linker to go blind:

void compute_twist(SpeedCmd* s1, double m1, double m2);

Here’s the error I get from platformio run:

Linking .pio\build\teensy40\firmware.elf
.pio\build\teensy40\src\main.cpp.o: In function `loop':
main.cpp:(.text.loop+0x178): undefined reference to `compute_twist(SpeedCmd*, double, double)'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
*** [.pio\build\teensy40\firmware.elf] Error 1

And when I run:

pio run -v > compile.log 2>&1

It outputs the following file:

I fixed the error by eliminating the declaration of the function and moving the definition before void setup and loop. Can you guys help me undestand why this function in particular is causing the linker to raise an error?

The declaration and the definition do not match:

Declaration (note: two double paramters`):

void compute_twist(SpeedCmd* s1, double m1, double m2);

Defintion (note: two int32_t parameters):

void compute_twist(SpeedCmd* s, int32_t m1_speed, int32_t m2_speed)

For C++, these are two different functions. Calls such as: compute_twist(&actual_speed, motors[0].speed, motors[1].speed); have seen the declaration with double parameters and expect such a function. But the only definition (implementation) provided uses int32_t parameters. So the linker correctly complains about the missing function with double parameters.

I guess it should be obvious how to fix it.

Oh wow. Now I feel dumb :sweat_smile:. Thanks for pointing that out, I was actively comparing declaration and definition endlessly and never saw it. My guess is I was too tired.

Also, wouldn’t Clang point that out before compiling?

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The compiler (probably gcc and not clang in this case) would mark it as an error if you were using an undeclared functions. However, as int32_t can be automatically converted to double, there’s no undeclared function.