Hi @maxgerhardt ,
Thank you very much for this quick reply!
Probably I should split the problem in two parts.
1. Linkerscript for Arduino-based boards
I’m aware of the problem with Arduino. When building an Arduino project in the Arduino IDE, I could hardly find the linkerscript (see this post c++ - What linkerscript does Arduino IDE use when compiling for the Arduino UNO? - Stack Overflow)
Eventually I found the linkerscripts for Arduino projects. For the native Embeetle projects (makefile-based), I just copy them into the project. This way, the user has a local linkerscript in his project and is able to modify it at will. Case closed.
For PIO projects, I don’t want to do this. I let go of my earlier plans to modify existing PIO projects. Instead, I want to modify Embeetle IDE such that it can open a PIO project as-is.
That being said, Embeetle IDE would still like to know where the linkerscript is located, just to analyze it. It looks like this is no easy task. It would be very unfortunate if I have to build the project first with full verbosity, then look throughout the build output with regexes to locate the linkerscript. I could do this, but it’s opening a can of worms. What if the build fails? Just to mention one issue…
2. Other platforms
You say:
How can I access that env["LDSCRIPT_PATH"]