Where Does PlatformIO Download Libraries and Development Environments From?

Please provide the URLs that PlatformIO accesses when downloading libraries and development environments.

I am developing with M5 using Visual Studio Code and PlatformIO. Recently, a zero-trust-based security software was installed in our development environment.
As a result, I can no longer proceed with development using PlatformIO. The issue seems to be due to restricted access (or SSL inspection) to certain sites.

Could you provide more details or screenshots?

Thank you @ivankravets for your reply.

I am unable to browse or download libraries and development environments from PlatformIO. For example, when I click on “Libraries” in PIO Home, I get the following error.

PIO Core Call Error: “HttpClientError:”

I think this is probably caused by the security software that was recently installed.
When I inquired with the infrastructure staff, they responded that they would consider setting it up if they could find the IP or URL.
Therefore, I would like to know where PlatformIO is accessing and downloading libraries and development environments.

You need to whitelist *.platformio.org domain.

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Thank you for your response.
I will pass along the domain information you provided to our infrastructure staff.

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Your domain information solved the problem. thank you!

Happy coding with PlatformIO! :rocket: