Vscode (win7) PIO - how to compile github esp8266 project

I’installed PIO into vscode on a win7 x64 laptop. i have git installed and i can clone from github. I have some nodemcu v1.0 esp8266 dev kit what is available upon opening a new project (and shows up in platformio.ini). Well, thats all i can do, then i stuck. I would like to clone from github a project, compile from c language and upload to my boards:

is it possible to do it (how?) or i got the wrong idea doing that way?
on the git there are precompiled bin files but unfortunately the don’t work for me at all so i ended up it would be better if i try to compile myself, so i ask for your kind help.
best regards, lev

Going by the build instructions for that code, I don’t think it’s going to work out of the box with PlatformIO, as it seems to use a completely different SDK to build - the esp-open-sdk. Path of least resistance will probably be access to linux (either native, in a virtual machine, or via the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) support, so that you can do the required setup and be able to simply make the binaries.

I might give it a go in a few weeks, as I have a ESP8266 repeater unit which I think is based on a derivative of that code…

i got goosebumps from linux. (from a thousand cross-compiling effort for an exotic openwrt package i had only a single success). the nodemcu boards anyhow seems working as i tested them with arduino ide uploading wifimesh example code,
my laptop has the virtualbox app badly broken beyond repair. i can try only kali linux on hand which is permanent root access and someone advised against. (stupid intel atom tv-boxes with hybrid 32bit efi and 64bit system, only kali was able to boot up/install)
i will dig after the open-sdk.
i have a bunch of wroom-esp32 as well. there i found some mesh project just not that compact solution as the martin-ger stuff.

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