VS Code - Copy link to clipboard option after Ctrl + click removed?

Until recently there was an option in VS Code to follow the link or to copy the link to the clipboard after Ctrl + clicking some link in the terminal window but now the link is just opened in the default browser without question about copying it to the clipboard.

I’ve searched through Settings but didn’t find an option to revert to the old behaviour. Is there some setting that could be added manualy by editing settings.json?

Seems it might be because of a new Workspace Trust functionality - links from a trusted source are now launched without the prompt where there was an option for copying the link to the clipboard.

I was using that option not to launch the links in the default browser.

I am experiencing the same issue. This is very inconvenient for people that use different browsers for different things.

I may create an issue on the vscode github.

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Welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

Yes, I’ve been using “copy to clipboard” option all the time and was never launching the link in the default browser.

You may paste the link here after creating an issue so more people would vote for returning that functionality back.

Here’s the link: Missing confirmation prompt for opening links · Issue #126108 · microsoft/vscode · GitHub
Looks like the issue got some attention, but it does have a ‘backlog’ tag now… so that might not be a great sign.

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