Using src_filter to select <target file>.cpp in src directory for each env

Hi, having hard time to get something done which seems simple: use sensor_lora_node_PSoC4100S.cpp or
sensor_usb_node_SAMD21.cpp (both in project src ), depending on the env: below.

Without src_filter the build works fine (with not-to-be-used --.cpp file removed from src first).
Using src_filter breaks the build because .h files in the project’s include are not found.

What am I doing wrong…?

default_envs = cubecell_board
src_dir = src/

src_filter = -<*.cpp> -<lic/> ; exclude all .cpp files in src directory

platform = asrmicro650x
framework = arduino
board = cubecell_board
build_flags = -I include
src_filter = ${common.src_filter} +<sensor_lora_node_PSoC4100S.cpp> ; use only this .cpp
monitor_speed = 115200

platform = atmelsam
framework = arduino
board = sodaq_sff
board_build.mcu = samd21g18a
board_build.f_cpu = 48000000L
build_flags = -I include
src_filter = ${common.src_filter} +<sensor_usb_node_SAMD21.cpp> ; use only this .cpp
monitor_speed = 115200
upload_protocol = sam-ba

Hi, turns out a .h file in src that has a dependency on .h files in lib broke the build when using the src_filter setting.
After moving this .h to include, both builds work fine using src_filter and other .h / .cpp files in src cause no problems.
Kind of solved (or worked-around?)