Using ESP-IFD v4.4/v4.3.2 examples with PlatformIO Core, version 5.2.5?

After a first successful simple blink example using PlatformIO with VSCode and Ubuntu 21.10 on a ESP32 devkit V1, I tried to copy esp-idf/examples/protocols/http_server/restful_server for use within PlatformIO. The example perfectly builds using build. The first problem is that ESP-IDF expects the sources to be in main while running pio init expects the sources to be in src. Somewhere I read that this is hardcoded, so I moved mv main src. But then build no longer builds.
So I tried to build by pio setting up platformio.ini with pio project init -b esp32doit-devkit-v1 --ide=vscode -O "framework = espidf" but it is not terminating at all. After terminating by Ctrl-C there was a platformio.ini with:

platform = espressif32
board = esp32doit-devkit-v1
framework = espidf

So I tried pio run which failed with Error: Couldn't find the main target of the project!. I found a hint to work around this by using platform = espressif32@1.11.2. So pio run realy starts to compile but now failed with fatal error: esp_vfs_semihost.h: No such file or directory.
Is there a step by step tutorial, how to build the examples from esp-idf/examples using PlatformIO? Or is there an import procedure that I missed? PlatformIO within VSCode only provides import for Arduino projects, not for IDF.
Thanks in advance.

Not valid if that is from the ESP-IDF master branch. It must match the used ESP-IDF version for platform-espressif32, aka 4.3.2 currently. v4.4 support has not been released (or added yet).

That doesn’t look healthy. Please start by copying the platform example, if that does not work there’s no point in trying to go further.

Compiling ESP-IDF provided example (of the correct version) is also covered in ESP32 IDF Protocol Examples not working - #6 by chrisalfred.

Thanks very much @maxgerhardt .

The platform example espidf-blink builds without problems using ‘pio run’. It comes with sources in src and CONFIG_BLINK_GPIO=2 and thus gives a nice blinking LED after pio run --target upload.

So my first fault was to take examples from an independent git clone. Lesson learned is to take examples for use with PlatformIO always from ${HOME}/.platformio/packages/framework-espidf where version.txt tells 4.3.2. But as I found out it doesn’t change a lot.

So I took restful_server from within that copy of IDF and tried to create platformio.ini with pio project init -b esp32doit-devkit-v1 --ide=vscode -O "framework = espidf". Now it didn’t hang up but terminated with Error: Couldn't find the main target of the project!. Adding @1.11.2 (like in my first post) let pio project init terminate with success. The platformio.ini made by pio project init with the version patch now looks like this:

platform = espressif32@1.11.2
board = esp32doit-devkit-v1
framework = espidf

Another lesson learned is, using src_dir = main to tell PlatformIO where the sources are, is a bad idea. That was the cause of the fatal error: esp_vfs_semihost.h: No such file or directory. Without it the example compiles even if the sources are in main.

An attempt to build by pio run now fails with a missing linker script:

Linking .pio/build/esp32doit-devkit-v1/firmware.elf
ld: cannot open linker script file esp32.project.ld: No such file or directory

The only *.ld within the project directory that can be found is .pio/build/esp32doit-devkit-v1/esp32_out.ld.

The last hint seems to be not needed. The example already references the protocol_examples_common from within the CMakeLists.txt in the base of the project by:
set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS $ENV{IDF_PATH}/examples/common_components/protocol_examples_common)
Even with a local copy within the project directory as described in ESP32 IDF Protocol Examples not working - #7 by maxgerhardt the linker script still is missing.

p.s.: I had to remove some links because the platform was complaining.