Use esp8266/Arduino repo


I’m struggling with the problem of adding the esp8266 / Arduino library to my project for several days now.

I have to removed the links(GitHub - esp8266/Arduino: ESP8266 core for Arduino) to the repos and replaced it with #link

I have tried the following variants:

  1. change platform to git repo in platformio.ini
    Espressif 8266 — PlatformIO latest documentation
    platform = espressif8266
    ;platform = #link
    framework = arduino
    board = d1_mini

Faild …

  1. add lib with lib_deps
    platform = espressif8266
    ;platform = #link
    framework = arduino
    board = d1_mini
    lib_deps = #link

Faild …

  1. add lib mode deep +
    platform = espressif8266
    ;platform = #link
    framework = arduino
    board = d1_mini
    lib_ldf_mode = deep+
    lib_deps = #link
    Faild …

i always get the compilation error:
/home/fetzen/Arduino/projects/baseDroid/src/main.ino:4:30: fatal error: WiFiServerSecure.h: No such file or directory

* Looking for WiFiServerSecure.h dependency? Check our library registry!
* CLI  > platformio lib search "header:WiFiServerSecure.h"
* Web  >

#include <WiFiServerSecure.h>
compilation terminated.
Compiling .pioenvs/d1_mini/libc30/ESP8266WiFi/ESP8266WiFiSTA.cpp.o
*** [.pioenvs/d1_mini/src/main.ino.cpp.o] Error 1

slowly I’m despairing the biblitheks are locally available, but always the same mistake. I think platformio looks only in the espressif lib.

Can someone help me and has an idea how to get the library up and running?

Is me again,

still no solution in sight, i changed from Ubuntu to Windows an tried out VSCode with the latest PlatformIO Plugin.

I started my next experiment with a blank project and the old platfomio.ini
platform = espressif8266
framework = arduino
board = d1_mini
lib_ldf_mode = deep
lib_deps = GitHub - esp8266/Arduino: ESP8266 core for Arduino

starting compiling with
pio run

but i get the following error:

Submodule path ‘tools/sdk/ssl/bearssl’: checked out ‘94e97043bbdebed43ecd9372bd7fd21d45bd789f’
Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\”, line 120, in main
cli(None, None, None)
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\click\”, line 700, in call
return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\click\”, line 680, in main
rv = self.invoke(ctx)
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\click\”, line 1027, in invoke
return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\click\”, line 873, in invoke
return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\click\”, line 508, in invoke
return callback(*args, **kwargs)
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\click\”, line 16, in new_func
return f(get_current_context(), *args, **kwargs)
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\commands\”, line 107, in cli
result = (envname, ep.process())
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\commands\”, line 204, in process
result = self._run()
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\commands\”, line 299, in _run
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\commands\”, line 322, in _autoinstall_libdeps
ctx.invoke(cmd_lib_install, libraries=[lib], silent=not verbose)
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\click\”, line 508, in invoke
return callback(*args, **kwargs)
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\click\”, line 26, in new_func
return f(get_current_context().obj, *args, **kwargs)
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\commands\”, line 103, in lib_install
library, silent=silent, interactive=interactive, force=force)
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\managers\”, line 354, in install
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\managers\”, line 712, in install
name, url, requirements, track=True)
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\managers\”, line 460, in _install_from_url
return self._install_from_tmp_dir(_tmp_dir, requirements)
File “c:\users\fetzen.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\platformio\managers\”, line 539, in _install_from_tmp_dir
shutil.move(tmp_dir, pkg_dir)
File “C:\Users\Fetzen.platformio\python27\Lib\”, line 314, in move
File “C:\Users\Fetzen.platformio\python27\Lib\”, line 261, in rmtree
rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
File “C:\Users\Fetzen.platformio\python27\Lib\”, line 261, in rmtree
rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
File “C:\Users\Fetzen.platformio\python27\Lib\”, line 261, in rmtree
rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
File “C:\Users\Fetzen.platformio\python27\Lib\”, line 261, in rmtree
rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
File “C:\Users\Fetzen.platformio\python27\Lib\”, line 261, in rmtree
rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
File “C:\Users\Fetzen.platformio\python27\Lib\”, line 261, in rmtree
rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
File “C:\Users\Fetzen.platformio\python27\Lib\”, line 261, in rmtree
rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
File “C:\Users\Fetzen.platformio\python27\Lib\”, line 266, in rmtree
onerror(os.remove, fullname, sys.exc_info())
File “C:\Users\Fetzen.platformio\python27\Lib\”, line 264, in rmtree
WindowsError: [Error 5] Zugriff verweigert: ‘C:\Users\Fetzen\Documents\PlatformIO\Projects\pioTest\.piolibdeps\_tmp_installing-afvubn-package\.git\modules\lwip2\modules\lwip2-src\objects\pack\pack-166e459aa8941cee9690a4d29db24a061ef737b6.idx’


An unexpected error occurred. Further steps:

* Verify that you have the latest version of PlatformIO using
  `pip install -U platformio` command

* Try to find answer in FAQ Troubleshooting section

* Report this problem to the developers


does anyone have a solution for that?