URGENT: PlatformIO IDE 2.0 Preview doesn't receive any updates

Dear PlatformIO IDE 2.0 Users,

We have found today a serious bug :bug: with PIO IDE 2.0 Preview auto-updates. If your PIO IDE 2.0 version is less than 2.0.0-alpha.11, please perform these steps:

  1. Open Atom
  2. Settings :gear: > Packages > Search for platformio-ide. Uninstall it!
  3. Settings :gear: > Install > Search for platformio-ide package. Install 1.7.3 version.
  4. PlatformIO Home > “Switch to PlatformIO IDE 2.0 Preview”.
  5. You should see PIO IDE 2.0.0-alpha.11.

Now, you will receive new updates to PIO IDE 2.0.

Please sorry for the issue.

The PlatformIO Plus Team.

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I can confirm it works (atleast for me)

However I can no longer invoke the pio or platformio commands from the terminal.
The project builds fine and compiles code.
Are the commands deprecated??

Settings :gear: > Packages > platformio-ide-terminal > Please empty “Auto Run Command” and restart Atom.

If it helps, I’ll make a quick update to a code.

It works now!! :slight_smile:
Thank you @ivankravets

I have the next error restart infinite cycle in version 2.0.11 alpha

Please restart Atom and update to A12. It depends on new PIo IDE Terminal 2.5.0.

Could you try Alpha 12 with new terminal 2.5.0? Does it work?

It works with alpha 12, thank you :slight_smile:

That is very cool! I removed all hooks from PIO IDE 2.0 and released new PIO IDE Terminal 2.5.0. I like PIO IDE 2.0 :blush: