Selected “update to 6.4.0” and after a short time got an error message (didn’t save but something about unable to get 6.4.0). Subsequently when I select "Installed from PIO Hom,e in VScode I get .
Similar problem when I select “updates”.
Now my project [unchanged] will not build at all. Simply get this which never continues.
Executing task in folder ESP32-S3: C:\Users\Bob\.platformio\penv\Scripts\platformio.exe run --environment esp32-s3
Processing esp32-s3 (platform: espressif32; board: esp32-s3-devkitc-1; framework: arduino)
You might be able to uninstall and reinstall the espressif32 package. In VSCode click on, or open, PlatformIO. Under QUICK ACCESS click on the > next to PIO Home and then select Platforms. In the Platforms window click on Embedded at the top and then type ‘esp’ in the search box. If Espressif 32 is installed then uninstall and reinstall.
You can see that it thinks 6.4.0 is installed. I was trying to avoid uninstalling PIO and reinstalling brcause I have other projects that use other platforms and boards and will need to reinstall all of that.
That said, its been a long time since I cleaned things up and hopefully that will be the silver lining.
Deleted ./user/[bob/.platformio (This had more than 100,000 files with old versions from many years. With everything stopped, I was unable to delete as Windows reported a file open. Rebooted PC and was able to delete it all.
Re-installed Platformio IDE in VScode.
PlatformIO did the rest. It installed everything needed for my project which then compiled and ran under 6.4.0. Also loaded an ESP8266 project with the same results.
So don’t know what happened, but now with an hour spent I have a completely clean environment. I think I’ll make another donation to PIO now.