UnknownPackageError: Could not find the package with 'ststm32 @ 15.2.0' requirements for your system 'linux_x86_64

I am trying to run a buildroot build on an Ubuntu 20.04.6 machine, I followed the instructions here;
Installer Script (Recommended) — PlatformIO latest documentation,
and here;
Install Shell Commands — PlatformIO latest documentation,
but I receive the error in the title. I have another machine which runs the build process correctly and the only difference between the two machine appear to be the response to whereis platformio.

Working laptop gives - platformio: /home/stephen/.platformio/penv/bin/platformio
Non-working pc gives - platformio: /usr/local/bin/platformio /home/stephen/.platformio/penv/bin/platformio

Any thoughts would be gratefully received
Many thanks

The ststm32 platform version 15.2.0 , being from January 2022, may have fallen prey to the auto-cleanup (=delete) registry process per Missing packages in registry - #4 by ivankravets. See currently available versions.

You may still be able to get it to work by referencing the Git download link

platform = https://github.com/platformio/platform-ststm32/archive/refs/tags/v15.2.0.zip

(provided no other packages it references aren’t also gone).

The other possibility would be to upgrade to the most recent ststm32 platform version (17.3.0), which should bring bugfixes (but possible API breakages) with it.

(FYI @ivankravets)

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Thanks for your help maxerhardt, the problem is that a platformio.ini file we were using for ststm32 was stipulating version 15.2.0 which as you suggested has become obsolete so I have updated this to 17.3.0 and it now builds as required.
Many thanks