Hi All,
Just trying to meld the worlds of CPP and assembler for the arduino uno (atmel328p). So far the platformio has been fantastic and i’m really enjoying the experience.
One issue that I have come across is when trying to compile with an assembler file, avr-asm emits a series of unknown option error messages, halting assembly and compilation.
avr-as -x assembler-with-cpp -g -Os -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mmcu=atmega328p -o .pioenvs/uno/src/AVRContextSwitch.o src/AVRContextSwitch.asm
avr-as: unrecognized option '-x'
I have used build unflags to remove the -x flag, which then causes the same issue with the -Os flag. If I unflag the -Os flag, then that will apply to ALL command line compilation and assembly, resulting in unoptimised code which is less than ideal.
Any ideas?
Platformio version: version 3.1.0
Install via PIP