Uninstall PlatformIO from VS Code in Windows 10

Hello! I could not find any direct example on uninstalling PlatformIO IDE that I had installed earlier with VS Code Extensions.

Presently, I am working on MXCHIP AZ3166 and, unfortunately, the Microsoft Azure tutorials do not illustrate the right steps to get going in the installed environment. (i.e. none of the samples show up and MXCHIP has zero documentation on STM32 libraries for the various on-board components/sensors).

In order to get back on track (at least with the available tutorials), I would like to uninstall PlatformIO IDE from VS Code. I looked at all the menu items but could not decipher anything related to install.


Use $pip uninstall platformio in your terminal line, and it should work, afaik.

VSCode > View > Extensions = Search for PlatformIO IDE

I am late to the party, but I am having the same issue. pip could not find platformio
Several iterations of attempt:
C:\Users\17193.vscode\extensions\platformio.platformio-ide-3.3.2-win32-x64>pip uninstall platformio
WARNING: Skipping platformio as it is not installed.

C:\Users\17193.vscode\extensions\platformio.platformio-ide-3.3.2-win32-x64>pip uninstall platformio.platformio-ide-3.3.2-win32-x64
WARNING: Skipping platformio.platformio-ide-3.3.2-win32-x64 as it is not installed.


What’s the issue with VSCode > View > Extensions > PlatformIO IDE > Uninstall ?

What’s the issue with VSCode > View > Extensions > PlatformIO IDE > Uninstall ?

It doesn’t work here at least… I keep trying to uninstall the extension, but every time I restart vscode it’s back. Restart Extensions button doesn’t help.