Unified Debugger not working with ST_LINK V2

from today the debugger stopped working with my Chinese ST-LINK V2 and official ST-LINK V2 on STM32F303 Discovery board.

There were no problems until today.

In the platformio.ini file I have:

debug_tool = stlink

I get this error message:

platformio debug --interface=gdb -x .pioinit

PIO Plus (https://pioplus.com) v1.4.4
PlatformIO Unified Debugger > http://bit.ly/pio-debug
PlatformIO: Initializing remote target...
.pioinit:12: Error in sourced command file:
To open a remote debug connection, you need to specify what
serial device is attached to the remote system
(e.g. /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttya, COM1, etc.).

PlatformIO: Upload works fine.

This is a bug and was fixed in PIO Plus 1.4.5. Please run PIO IDE Terminal and type $ pio update. Or use VScode > Tasks > Run tasks… > PlatformIO: Update…

Does it work now?

Yes, it works after update. Thank you!

Sorry for the issue and thanks for the report!