Undefined reference to

Hi, I’m programming an ESP32 under the Arduino framework.

I have a simple class structure formed by the main class and another class named ConfigWebServer:

I have created an instance to said class by using in main:

ConfigWebServer ws(server);

When I compile I get the following error:

.pio\build\nodemcu-32s\src\ConfigWebServer.cpp.o: .literal._ZN15ConfigWebServer9processorERK6String+0x10): undefined reference to `ConfigWebServer::ledState’
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
*** [.pio\build\nodemcu-32s\firmware.elf] Error 1

This is the content of ConfigWebServer.h

#include "arduino.h"

#ifndef AsyncWebServer

#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>


#include <SPIFFS.h>

class ConfigWebServer{


    ConfigWebServer(AsyncWebServer server);



    static String processor(const String& var);

    static String ledState;


And ConfigWebServer.cpp:
#include “ConfigWebServer.h”

ConfigWebServer::ConfigWebServer(AsyncWebServer server)



    Serial.println("An Error has occurred while mounting SPIFFS");


    // Route for root / web page

    server.on("/", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request)

              { request->send(SPIFFS, "/index.html", String(), false, processor); });

    // Route to load style.css file

    server.on("/style.css", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request)

              { request->send(SPIFFS, "/style.css", "text/css"); });

    // Route to set GPIO to HIGH

    server.on("/on", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request)


                  request->send(SPIFFS, "/index.html", String(), false, processor);


    // Route to set GPIO to LOW

    server.on("/off", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request)


                  request->send(SPIFFS, "/index.html", String(), false, processor);


    server.on("/test.js", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){

        request->send(SPIFFS, "/test.js", "text/javascript");




String ConfigWebServer::processor(const String &var)


    Serial.print("the var is: ");


    if (var == "TACSSUP")


        ledState = "36";


        return ledState;


    else if (var == "TACSINF")


        ledState = "31";


        return ledState;


    else if (var == "TSETACS")


        ledState = "40";


        return ledState;


    else if (var == "ACSMODE")


        ledState = "AUTO";


        return ledState;


    return String();


As you can see ledState is declared on the .h file and anywhere else.

Where in the ConfigWebServer.cpp file is the needed

String ConfigWebServer::ledState;

definition of the declared static variable? (see also e.g. this C++ tutorial).

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Because I pass the method processor

as an Argument on the constructor:

server.on("/", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request)
       { request->send(SPIFFS, "/index.html", String(), false, processor); });

And so if the method is static then the variable needs to be static.

Maybe I could obtain the instance of the object ConfigWebServer.cpp and use it to pass the method processor (I don’t know how to do it yet). Would this be a better option?

However, I still don’t understand why the compiler doesn’t like my static variable

If you declare a class-static variable, then you must define it as above. Have you tried that?

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This means that if I want to access the variable ledState from inside the class I still have to reference it like ConfigWebServer::ledState ?

So in the end the method would look like this:

String ConfigWebServer::processor(const String &var)


    Serial.print("the var is: ");


    if (var == "TACSSUP")


        ConfigWebServer::ledState = "36";


        return ConfigWebServer::ledState;


    else if (var == "TACSINF")


        ConfigWebServer::ledState = "31";


        return ConfigWebServer::ledState;


    else if (var == "TSETACS")


        ConfigWebServer::ledState = "40";


        return ConfigWebServer::ledState;


    else if (var == "ACSMODE")


        ConfigWebServer::ledState = "AUTO";


        return ConfigWebServer::ledState;


    return String();


The variable declaration was already correct:

class ConfigWebServer{


    ConfigWebServer(AsyncWebServer server);


    static String processor(const String& var);

    static String ledState;


I still get the same error. So I supose I’m not undertanding you correctly:

.pio\build\nodemcu-32s\src\ConfigWebServer.cpp.o:(.literal._ZN15ConfigWebServer9processorERK6String+0x10): undefined reference to `ConfigWebServer::ledState’
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
*** [.pio\build\nodemcu-32s\firmware.elf] Error 1

No, you can still reference the variable as ConfigWebServer::ledState it is just that you have to define the variable.


#include "ConfigWebServer.h" 

//actually define class-static variable
String ConfigWebServer::ledState;

//all of the rest of the code and functions
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It compiles :slight_smile:
But as I understand it if I put it outside the class declaration:

#include "arduino.h"

#ifndef AsyncWebServer

#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>


#include <SPIFFS.h>

static String ledState;

class ConfigWebServer{



    ConfigWebServer(AsyncWebServer server);



    static String processor(const String& var);


Then it is not a class variable right?. I can access the varaible without pointing to ConfigWebServer::

You shouldn’t put a variable definition like that in a header file, otherwise it will easily lead to multiple definition errors if multiple .c/.cpp files include that header. Global variable definitions and declarations would use extern String ledState; in the header and String ledState in the cpp file.

If you want a global variable that is however only global to the file and not accross files, then yes, you can do

static String ledState;

in the .cpp file and then reference the variable with just ledState.

static within a class context has a different meaning, that of "this variable exists not per-object-instanciation of that class, but is a singular variable of the class that can be be accessed via the class name (in this case, ConfigWebServer::ledState)

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That I understand (in my young ages I started coding with C#) what I didn’t know is that a static variable has to be declared in the .cpp file.

Thank you very much :slight_smile: