I was trying to install platformIO for my ESP32 debugging in my Windows 10 Laptop and unable to get pass the “Cannot find working Python 3.6+ interpreter.
Install Python 3 and try again.”
I see that portable version is also installing but unable to run.
So here what I tried,
- Uninstall all versions of python and re install latest
- Install python from Windows Store
- Delete .platformio folder from C:\Users\username.platformio
- Delete cache from .platformio file
- Reset vs code by deleting all the config files and extensions
- Create and rename new executable from python.exe as python3.exe
But then I saw someplace to open developer tools in VS Code. After all, VSCode is Chrome V8 with Electron.js
Here is how to open developer tools (Help > Toggle Developer Tools)
Then I see when I start platformIO it start to install the core and trying to run available python but unable to access the file in correct path. Then it installs a portable version in .platformio/python3 and then it try to run the python.exe in same file but unable to find the file. (It is there)
Then I remembered about my virus guard. Mine in Comodo antivirus that has Auto Containing and host intrusion prevention system (HIPS) to contain, block and prevent any malicious files auto running in background. It had saved my PC from viruses so far.
Then I disabled the virus guard’s Auto-containment and HIPS for 15 minutes. (It can do that)
Then the PlatformIO installed without issue.
So if you have similar issue, check the developer tools and try to disable your virus guard for a while to let the installation to complete. Hope this might help someone like me who was trying to install platformIO for more than 2 days.