Unable to compile on macOS, but works in Windows

Hi guys,

I’m having trouble compiling my project using my MacBook, but on my PC I don’t have any errors.

On the Mac, I get the following error undefined reference to SystemTime::rtc’`.

Here’s my platformio.ini

; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
;   Build options: build flags, source filter
;   Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
;   Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
;   Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html

platform = atmelavr
board = megaatmega1280
framework = arduino
lib_deps = 
	mulmer89/EZO I2C Sensors@1.0.0+32e1eda

board = megaatmega2560
platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
lib_deps = 
	mulmer89/EZO I2C Sensors@1.0.0+32e1eda


What code / library creates SystemTime::rtc? I did not see it in adafruit/RTClib or paulstoffregen/Time.

It’s my own wrapper class over RTClib.

Here’s the header code

/// \file 		SystemTime.h
/// \brief 		SystemTime Utility Peripheral module
/// \author 	Nicolas


// Includes
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "RTClib.h"
#include "TypeDefs.h"

// Definitions
#define SYSTEMTIME_RTC_YEAR_MIN			2021		///< Minimum RTC year (default at first startup).
#define SYSTEMTIME_RTC_YEAR_MAX			2200		///< Maximum RTC year (virtual).
#define SYSTEMTIME_RTC_MONTH_MIN		1			///< Minimum RTC month.
#define SYSTEMTIME_RTC_MONTH_MAX		12			///< Maximum RTC month per year.
#define SYSTEMTIME_RTC_DAY_MIN			1			///< Minimum RTC day.
#define SYSTEMTIME_RTC_DAY_MAX			31			///< Maximum RTC day per month.
#define SYSTEMTIME_RTC_HOUR_MIN_24		0			///< Minimum RTC hour (24h format).
#define SYSTEMTIME_RTC_HOUR_MAX_24		23			///< Maximum RTC hour per day (24h format).
#define SYSTEMTIME_RTC_HOUR_MIN_12		1			///< Minimum RTC hour (12h format).
#define SYSTEMTIME_RTC_HOUR_MAX_12		12			///< Maximum RTC hour per day (12h format).
#define SYSTEMTIME_RTC_MINUTE_MIN		0			///< Minimum RTC minute.
#define SYSTEMTIME_RTC_MINUTE_MAX		59			///< Maximum RTC second per hour.
#define SYSTEMTIME_RTC_SECOND_MIN		0			///< Minimum RTC second.
#define SYSTEMTIME_RTC_SECOND_MAX		59			///< Maximum RTC second per minute.

#define TS_DEFAULT_FORMAT               "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"
#define TS_BUFFER_LENGTH                32

// Type definitions
//char daysOfTheWeek[7][12] = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"};

// Prototype
class SystemTime {

    static void         Init();
    void 	            Delay(unsigned long tick);
    static uint32_t	    GetTimeDiff(uint32_t u32SysTimeToCompare);

    static DateTime	    GetTime();
    static void         GetTimeString(char * sz);
    static const char * GetTimeString();    
    static float        GetTemperature(); // DS3231 Only
    static DateTime     GetStartTime();
    static char*        GetStartTimeString();

    // RTC related.
    bool	RTCInit();
    bool	RTCIsInit();

    bool	RTCGetDate(uint16_t* pu16Year, uint8_t* pu8Month, uint8_t* pu8Day);
    bool	RTCGetTime(uint8_t* pu8Hour, uint8_t* pu8Minute, uint8_t* pu8Second);
    bool 	RTCGetDateTime(uint16_t* pu16Year, uint8_t* pu8Month, uint8_t* pu8DayMonth, uint8_t* pu8Hour, uint8_t* pu8Minute, uint8_t* pu8Second);
    bool	RTCSetDate(uint16_t u16Year, uint8_t u8Month, uint8_t u8Day);
    bool	RTCSetTime(uint8_t u8Hour, uint8_t u8Minute, uint8_t u8Second);
    static void 	    RTCSetDateTime(uint16_t u16Year, uint8_t u8Month, uint8_t u8DayMonth, uint8_t u8Hour, uint8_t u8Minute, uint8_t u8Second);
    static void 	    RTCSetDateTime(const char *iso8601date);

    static bool isInitialized;

    static RTC_DS3231 rtc;

    static char cachedTime[TS_BUFFER_LENGTH];

    static DateTime startTime;
    static char startTimeString[TS_BUFFER_LENGTH];


Where is that file? In lib/<library name> or in src/?

What’s the file called?

(Usually if something compiles on Windows but not on Mac / Linux it’s because you’re choosing a file name that already exists but in another upper/lowercase spelling – Windows has a case-insensitive filesystem.)

The file is in the src/ folder. So basically the same folder as the main Application.cpp.

Is it possible to upload the whole project, or a minimal reproduction of the problem? The bug seems hard to chase when not looking at the full picture.

Sure here’s the project zipped

But… there is no definition of the

RTC_DS3231 SystemTime::rtc;

variable at the top of SystemTime.cpp? It does not even compile for me on Windows.

Linking .pio\build\atmega2560\firmware.elf
C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Temp\ccFlqkwL.ltrans0.ltrans.o: In function main': <artificial>:(.text.startup+0x860): undefined reference to SystemTime::rtc’
:(.text.startup+0x864): undefined reference to SystemTime::rtc' <artificial>:(.text.startup+0x89a): undefined reference to SystemTime::rtc’
:(.text.startup+0x89e): undefined reference to SystemTime::rtc' <artificial>:(.text.startup+0x8a6): undefined reference to SystemTime::rtc’
C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Temp\ccFlqkwL.ltrans0.ltrans.o::(.text.startup+0x8aa): more undefined references to `SystemTime::rtc’ follow

Adding the afforementioned line solves the problem for me.

RAM: [===== ] 53.9% (used 4412 bytes from 8192 bytes)
Flash: [=== ] 27.5% (used 69852 bytes from 253952 bytes)
Building .pio\build\atmega2560\firmware.hex
===================== [SUCCESS] Took 24.09 seconds =====================

Likely you’re using some other version of the code or there’s some weird caching on the Windows machine involved if that code compiled there.

Wow! Such a beginner mistake. Thanks it worked!

But you’re right. It’s weird that it compiles on my Windows.