Uart interrupt not working on ESP32 WROOM D2

So, it all stopped working about 3 or 4 weeks ago.
I was using UART1, and it was working fine.
Then the RX interrupt stopped working after what I assume was some update.
If I pull the project from 3 weeks ago and use the firmware.bin with my flasher program, it works fine. However, if I compile it and then try it, it doesn’t.
When I compare the binary files, they are different in many ways.
I made a simple UART interrupt loop program, and it also doesn’t work.
Has anyone else seen the same issue with the uart Interrupt?
I’m not using the RTOS.
I need to get back to the platform tools version that worked,
I’m also fix at 3.5.0, not sure if that got anything to do with it.

Samples form both files
new: /Users/colin/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinospressif32@3.10006.210326/libraries/WiFi/src/WiFiAP.cpp
[E][%s:%u] %s(): enable AP first!
[E][%s:%u] %s(): SSID missing!
[E][%s:%u] %s(): password too short!

old: \Users\colin.platformio\packages\framework-arduinospresso32\libraries\WiFi\src\WiFiAP.cpp
[E][%s:%u] %s(): enable AP first!
[E][%s:%u] %s(): SSID missing!
[E][%s:%u] %s(): password too short!

espresso or espressif? What is the content of the package.json in that folder in the package where it works?

So I fixed the problem by directly accessing the uart. Something changed in a library but I couldn’t track it down. The uart object wasn’t being passed to the uart function. So I just called it directly.

Thanks for the reply.