Two target MCUs in workspace

I have an nRF24 example project in VSCode using Platform IO extension with two different target boards. The Arduino Uno build works fine but the Arduino Due build does not run correctly. I have observed the SPI signals from the Due and I do not see any activity, the sketch reports the radio is not responding.

My platformio.ini looks like this:

default_envs = due

platform = atmelavr
board = uno
framework = arduino
lib_deps = nrf24/RF24@^1.4.5
monitor_speed = 115200
upload_port = COM12

platform = atmelsam
board = due
framework = arduino
lib_deps = nrf24/RF24@^1.4.5
monitor_speed = 115200
upload_port = COM13

Is there anything more I need?

The SPI of the radio is patched into the 6-pin connector of the Due, the one next to the MCU.

Looks all correct. The build environment too.

The RF24 library will also use the SPI object on the Due, so SPI pins are per this (D74 = MISO, D76 = SCK, D75 = MOSI, CS and CE arbitrary I/Os).

Your problem is not the platformio.ini config.

@maxgerhardt Thank you, that eliminates one potential problem :slight_smile: