Tutorial for creating multi cpp file arduino project

I totally agree. My programming discipline is questionable. I have a lot of multiple .ino projects and I am having a real struggle with getting a clean and manageable structure in Platformio.
At the moment, the Arduino IDE makes them far more readable.
For native C++ programmers, I guess the structure is second nature. For migrants from Arduino, it needs a better explanation - please?

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I still don’t really see the point of a dedicated tutorial. Read a tutorial on how to properly split code in C/C++ using headers and source files, there are a ton out there and you will quickly find one suiting your learning-style. As soon as you grasp the idea of it (it really isn’t that difficult…) you can easily use that knowledge to convert your *.inos in a proper multi-file C/C++ project for PIO.
Writing a dedicated tutorial on converting multi-ino-file-projects to proper-c/c+±projects would be like writing a tutorial on "How to create a loop() in setup()". The answer would be a tutorial on while and for-loops and not something any more specific, because why?! - I hope that analogy somehow works for the point I’m trying to make… :smiley:


I think the issue is that the posters who are asking for, or would like, a dedicated tutorial envisage something along these lines. A tutorial writer taking an existing multi tab Arduino project, say 8 tabs, and then walking through all the steps to convert it to platformIO, or conventional C/C++ coding. Ideally providing some explanation as to why things are done. The example you provided is fine and helpful but it, as do many other on line tutorials, provides only a basic example.
Using multiple tabs in the Arduino IDE is an easy way to create a reasonably structured ‘sketch’. It is unfortunate that the Arduino abstracts away much of what might be termed proper coding and allows bad habits.
I have spent a considerable amount of time searching for good tutorials / information on this topic. My conclusion is that it is probably quicker to do the project again in platformIO, starting with an example such as yours and expand it gradually learning as you go.


I found that once I had a project working in platformIO that it was easy to navigate to, say a function, because they are all listed. However, I went back to the Arduino IDE for now because I can be get the job done much easier and quicker.
When I next try platformIO I plan to move the code from multiple tabs into one main tab, import that to platform.IO and get it running then maybe break it down into separate .ccp and .h files.


I don’t think you got why I think such a tutorial would be a problem. Someone could write such a tutorial and maybe it would provide enough information for some users to convert their projects.
BUT in most cases, that would cause errors as such a tutorial might not explain some more advanced things like: why a function prototype might be placed in a header and why in a source file, how to prevent double definitions, where to put preprocessor directives, how to do global variables, etc. Now you will still have to read a “normal” tutorial on the topic.
If such a ino-to-C/C++ tutorial would provide the additional, more advanced, information, then there wouldn’t be much of a difference to a “normal” tutorial and there won’t be a point to even do a specific one.
Again, in my opinion you should learn how to split C/C++ source code using one of the thousands of tutorials (real tutorials, not just a quick example like I did; still shouldn’t be to difficult or to time consuming to work through it) available for this topic. If you learned that you will have no problem to use that knowledge to convert your project. Also I think it is a nice way to quickly learn something more about the technologies behind your code… learn how a toolchain with a preprocessor, compiler and linker turn your code into something binary for your Arduino.

I can see where you are both coming from, but I tend to agree more with @bobcroft is saying… solely because of the “Why does it work on the Arduino IDE but doesn’t work with PlatformIO” question that gets thrown around, with the viewpoint of the poster that there must be something wrong with PlatformIO (understandable, considering their level of knowledge).

But the real question then is what to do about it, because something does need to be done… even if it is a page/post saying do this (read this link for more detail), do that (read that link to understand why), etc, etc… Because if that exists, it can be linked to the next time the question is inevitably asked, and anyone google searching will find it, and it might make more people make the jump to PlatformIO… always a good thing! But certainly, yes… it will never be ‘complete’ … as that would require a lot of nights of lost sleep, frustration, and result in a 300 page book on C++!! :laughing:


Ok, let’s give this a try…
After some googling I found this. It is based on the implementation of an arduino-capable VS-extension. First cite, no offense :stuck_out_tongue::

In a nutshell:

  • If you don’t want to learn about C++ declarations and header files, stay with .INO files
  • If you have a more complex sketch with many separate source files that use classes and methods from each other, you will have more control and overview if you use “classic” C++ .CPP and .H files

Nevertheless based on the implementation choosen in this extension you could mimic the standard Arduino-IDE behaviour by edediting files like this:

  1. rename your “main”-file with the setup and loop functions to *.cpp and add #include "Arduino.h" at the very top of this file
  2. rename all other *.ino-files that are part of your project to *.h
  3. At the end of your “main”-*.cpp-file write #include "foo.h", #include "bar.h", etc. for every *.h-file you have where foo and bar are the actual names of the needed files
  4. create function prototypes in a seperate file. To do this create a new file called prototypes.h and add a prototype for each function defined in one of your other *.h-files there.
  5. include the created prototypes.h (#include "prototypes.h") at the top of your “main”-*.cpp-file right below #include "Arduino.h"

Now you are ready to go…


void setup() {

void loop() {


int add(int a, int b) {
    return (a+b);

Those get turned into

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "prototypes.h"

void setup() {

void loop() {

#include "library.h"


int add(int a, int b) {
    return (a+b);


int add(int a, int b); // This is a function prototype - basically the function-head without a {}-block ended by a semicolon, you need one of those for each function you want to use

I really want to point out that this style isn’t particulary beautiful… no, it really is bad, very bad as it could cause a lot of errors… but it seems this is the “easy” way to convert a *.ino-project quickly.

  • Why does this work?
    #include is a so called preprocessor directive. Before you code gets translated to something your Arduino can work with (by a compiler and a linker), the preprocessor does some simple stuff (like text replacement). By telling the preprocessor to include something (everything in your source-code beginning with an # is a preprocessor directive) you basically tell him to simply copy/insert the text from the included file at that point. The file created is simply a text-file with all the included files copied together into one…
  • Why do you need those strange function prototypes?
    The compiler translating your sourcecode works top-to-bottom. When you include the *.h at the end of your “main”-file the moment you might call the function add() in your loop the compiler doesn’t know there is a add()-function defined; you get an error. To prevent that you have a prototype at the top so the compiler knows that somewhere there is a definition of that function and he doesn’t care about it anymore, no matter where the actuall definition is.
void add(int a, int b); // A function prototype or declaration to "please the compiler"

void add(int a, int) { // The actual function definition with the logic
    return (a+b);
  • Why not just #include all those *.h-files at the top of my “main” so I don’t need prototypes?
    Well, idk, this is a bad style in eather way, I just stuck with the explenation given here. Just make sure you include other files AFTER the Arduino.h so all following files inserted “have access” to it.

In the end I still recommend:
Just do it the proper way and learn splitting into multi-file projects the “normal” C/C++ style; it’s not even that big of a step from what I just wrote… You can not just place functions in other files but global variables and classes too, not to mention that it provides a way clearer structure for large projects, maybe even projects with multiple people.


Is there any movement on this? I am really new to PlatformIO and I am looking for this exact type of tutorial with no luck. I have read the links that were posted here, but it didn’t help me figure out the problem.

I find the tutorial by @Thomseeen above to be well-explained and the links (example, example) helpful. If you didn’t understand something specifically in these you should ask about that.

It might also be possible that your problem is of an entirely different nature. If you feel like that, you need to post a new topic.


I know it may seem that it is well explained from your perspective, but it hasn’t answered the OP’s call. Is there a tutorial for taking an existing Arduino project with or without multiple files and importing it into platformio? Something along the lines of “here is the source code”, “here is how you import it”, “here is the button you click”. All of the links provided do not show how they are implemented in PlatformIO. I am looking for the equivalent of “blink” with multiple files.

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Because it’s not PlatformIO-specific, it’s only related to C++. What PIO / VSCode gives you is a “new file” button and a source folder. I can show you a blink example with multiple files.


#include <Arduino.h>
#include "blinky.h"

void setup() {

void loop() {


#ifndef BLINKY_H /* include guards */
#define BLINKY_H

/* blinky initialization function */
void blinky_init();

/* blinks the LED once for an length of <ms> milliseconds. */
void do_blink(int ms);

#endif /* BLINKY_H */


#include "blinky.h"
#include <Arduino.h> /* we need arduino functions to implement this */

void blinky_init() {

void do_blink(int ms) {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);

Yes it does. Simply add more files in the respective src and include dirs.

The way I split code in Platformio is:


  • code.h
  • code.cpp


// pragma once prevents the file to be included twice
#pragma once
// #include ...
// all other includes stays here in the .h file

// vars need to be extern
extern String myName;

// prototypes don't need named attributes in the .h file
void sayMyName(String);


// the only include in the .cpp file
#include "code.h"

String myName = "John";

void sayMyName(String name){



#include <Arduino.h>
#include "code.h"

void setup(){

void loop(){


Hi, It’s really nice but… How we can use it when we try to work with external libraries at main which must be used by splited files?

I’m not sure what you mean by that. It means the external lib has some header file and it needs to be used in multiple source files in the src/ folder? Can you give a concrete example?

Buenas noches.

Creo que lo que intenta decir Poleg, es algo parecido a lo que me pasaba a mí, cuando hice la transformación de los programas del ROV, del entorno Arduino al entorno VSC, que hay bastantes librerías que se utilizan con normalidad en el entorno Arduino, que aun no están convalidadas a VSC + PIO. Sin embargo Poleg ya tiene los archivos divididos.

Supongo que quiere decir, que tiene que haber una manera de decirle al programa que busque las librerías en alguna carpeta, incluso cuando el programa está dividido.

Maxgerhardt, me dio la solución, para poder utilizar las bibliotecas de Arduino, pero mi programa no estaba dividido.

Si Poleg pudiera ser un poco más preciso, e indicar con que librerías concretas tiene problemas, a lo mejor sería más fácil poder ayudarle.

Esta es la respuesta que me diste, supongo que abra que adaptarla a cuando un programa ya esta dividido.





src \ main.cpp: 154: 54: error fatal: PS2X_lib.h: No existe tal archivo o directorio

La biblioteca PS2X aún no está registrada en PlatformIO: le sugiero que vaya a GitHub - simondlevy/PS2X_lib: Arduino Playstation2 library with compiler warnings fixed , descargue el archivo ZIP ( https://github.com/simondlevy/PS2X_lib/archive/master.zip ) , a continuación, crear una nueva carpeta en la lib/ llamada PS2X_lib donde se coloca en los archivos del archivo ZIP de modo que la estructura es …


luego agrega la línea

lib_deps = 

en el platformio.ini para que PlatformIO busque la biblioteca.


Un saludo.

Good night.

I think what Poleg is trying to say is something like what happened to me, when I did the transformation of the ROV programs, from the Arduino environment to the VSC environment, that there are quite a few libraries that are used normally in the Arduino environment, which are not yet validated to VSC + PIO. However Poleg already has the files split.

I suppose it means, there has to be a way to tell the program to look for libraries in some folder, even when the program is split.

Maxgerhardt, gave me the solution, to be able to use the Arduino libraries, but my program was not divided.

If Poleg could be a little more accurate, and indicate which specific libraries have problems with, it might be easier to help you.

This is the answer you gave me, I suppose I open it to adapt it to when a program is already divided.




src\main.cpp:154:54: fatal error: PS2X_lib.h: No such file or directory

The PS2X library is not yet registered with PlatformIO – I suggest you go to GitHub - simondlevy/PS2X_lib: Arduino Playstation2 library with compiler warnings fixed, download the ZIP file (https://github.com/simondlevy/PS2X_lib/archive/master.zip), then create a new folder in lib/ called PS2X_lib where you put in the files from the ZIP file so that the structure is …


then add the line

lib_deps = 

into the platformio.ini so that the library is looked for by PlatformIO.



Pues os comento, el proyecto en sí es un combinación de usos para la utlización del MFRC522 (Lector RFID)

La idea es tener el main en el que estén el setup y el loop. En el loop aparece la petición de modo de trabajo, y tras la introducción por parte del usuario se hace la llamada a uno de los archivos divididos.

El problema es que los objetos creados en el main y deben usarse en los dividos da error

So you have created global variables in your main.cpp and need to use them in your solucion1.cpp.

Your problem is that these global variables are not known to your main.cpp and also that you #include a CPP FILE in another cp file. That will lead to double-definition behaviours.

To resolve it, do:

  • remove #include solucion1.cpp from main.cpp
  • create the new file src/global_vars.h with the content

/* types for global vars */
#include <MFRC522.h>
/* global vars */
extern MFRC522 rfid;
extern bool momento;
extern bool contador1;

  • in solucion1.cpp, add a #include "global_vars.h"

Now your global variables have been declared extern in a header file which every other cpp file can include.

This is the exact same technique as outlined in all the posts above.

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Mmmmmm I thought in that, but I didn’t know the concept “extern” thanks a lot…

But, where I initialize extern variables and objets?

And… I should make an #include "solucion1.cpp" at main? Because I need some functions that are coded there