TTGO T-Embed Upload Problems

I am a brand new newbie, so bear with me if this is a dumb question.
I am using a Lilly Go TTGO T-Embed Board that uses ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 N16R8 Module to prototype on.
I could use some advice on Uploading / Configuring for that board.
I get a “Write timeout” from esptool when trying to Upload.
Using the correct Com: port, works O.K. in Arduino IDE environment.
I have a large / long term project to work on, and I can’t imagine doing the job it in the Arduino IDE.

  • What configuration do you have in the “Tools” menu in the Arduino IDE?
  • What does Tools->Boards->Board manager say the installed ESP32 version is?
  • What is your full platformio.ini?