As part of development and maintaining Arduino Compatible Libraries for Infineon Sensors, we wanted to integrate code coverage with our travis ci.
We are using python 3.7 and platformio ci for the build but could not integrate codecov.io.
As a test, I created a branch “test” in repository “DPS310-Pressure-Sensor” DPS310-Pressure-Sensor: branch-test.
The current travis.yml file is attached below:
language: python
- 3.7
sudo: required
cache: pip
- master
- dps310
- test
- PLATFORMIO_CI_SRC=examples/i2c_background
- PLATFORMIO_CI_SRC=examples/i2c_command
- PLATFORMIO_CI_SRC=examples/i2c_interrupt
- PLATFORMIO_CI_SRC=examples/spi_background
- PLATFORMIO_CI_SRC=examples/spi_command
- PLATFORMIO_CI_SRC=examples/spi_interrupt
- python3 -m pip install -U coverage codecov mypy
# build with stable core
- pip install -U platformio
- platformio platform install -f infineonxmc
- platformio ci --lib="." --board=xmc1100_xmc2go --board=xmc1100_boot_kit --board=xmc4700_relax_kit --board=uno --board nodemcuv2
# - codecov
I tried finding any availbale resource but unfortunately it is just not working.
Any help or guide to point me to the right direction would be highly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards,
Hello @maxgerhardt,
I referred to travis documentation for codecov.io and codecov.io documentation for python too.
I already attached the .travis.yml file and this time I am attaching the error message:
10790.13s$ codecov
1081 _____ _
1082 / ____| | |
1083 | | ___ __| | ___ ___ _____ __
1084 | | / _ \ / _ |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /
1085 | |___| (_) | (_| | __/ (_| (_) \ V /
1086 \_____\___/ \____|\___|\___\___/ \_/
1087 v2.0.15
1089==> Detecting CI provider
1090 Travis Detected
1091==> Preparing upload
1092==> Processing gcov (disable by -X gcov)
1093 Executing gcov (find /home/travis/build/Infineon/DPS310-Pressure-Sensor -not -path './bower_components/**' -not -path './node_modules/**' -not -path './vendor/**' -type f -name '*.gcno' -exec gcov -pb {} +)
1094==> Collecting reports
1095Error: No coverage report found
1097Tip: See an example python repo: https://github.com/codecov/example-python
1098Support channels:
1099 Email: hello@codecov.io
1100 IRC: #codecov
1101 Gitter: https://gitter.im/codecov/support
1102 Twitter: @codecov
As you can see , after the build is success codecov is telling me that coverage is not found. So I changed my .travis.yml to the following:
- platformio ci coverage run --lib=“.” --board=xmc1100_xmc2go --board=xmc1100_boot_kit --board=xmc4700_relax_kit --board=uno --board nodemcuv2
When I change as above , I get the same error message.
Thanks ,
Well, that isn’t going to work because firstly that’s (coverage run
) not a supported option for the ci command.
Do you really want the codecov.io documentation for python when your code is C++? Skimming this stack overflow question, it sounds like you might want to use --project-option
to add something like --project-option="build_flag=--coverage"
which would add the --coverage
flag to the gcc compiler, and then use the after_success
config provided by the asker of the question.
Or everything I just said could be complete nonsense, as I don’t use codecov.io!!