Toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi@1.110301.0 with broken newlib version information header file

One can include newlib.h to perform some checks against the used newlib library.

Problem is that version 1.110301.0 contains broken arm-none-eabi/include/_newlib_version.h which contains e.g.


Which is syntactically wrong.

Sadly, also upstream 11.3.Rel1 contains this broken file but upstream 12.2.Rel1 is fine again.

Is there a way how this can be fixed? I mean downstream in toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi.
I can skip this broken version and pin the project to an older one to workaround this.

For comparison, this file in other toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi versions


#define _NEWLIB_VERSION "3.3.0"
#define __NEWLIB__ 3
#define __NEWLIB_MINOR__ 3


#define _NEWLIB_VERSION "4.1.0"
#define __NEWLIB__ 4
#define __NEWLIB_MINOR__ 1

1.110301.0 and upstream 11.3.Rel1

/* The newlib version in string format. */

/* The newlib major version number. */

/* The newlib minor version number. */

/* The newlib patch level. */

upstream 12.2.Rel1

#define _NEWLIB_VERSION "4.2.0"
#define __NEWLIB__ 4
#define __NEWLIB_MINOR__ 2

Tracked in

since yesterday.

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