Hi, I bought an arduino nano every clone with mega4808. When I upload the program via PlatformIO there is an error that chip is not compatible with original mega4809. It seems that only ThinaryArduino supports this configuration but only in Arduino IDE. Is someone has got some idea how to add it to PlatformIO or maybe use of another compatible board configuration?
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This board seems just like a ATMega 4808 dev board, and the core seems to be a modified version of the one used for the ATMega4809 (and others) at https://github.com/arduino/ArduinoCore-megaavr.
Essentially, this you should already be able to create a project for it, by selecting “ATmega4808” as your board (docs).
With a few modifications to platform-atmelmegaavr, you can however also use the exact Thinary Arduino core you posted. I created a test project at
Can you test it (building, uploading, serial monitor)?
Thank you very much! First tests succeded. I will try upload more complex program and test it.