I’ve switched over from Arduino to PlatformIO for working on my ESP32 MCUs and ran into a problem that happens in Arduino as well, but there the fix works. The topic is esp32 2.0.15 and tft_espi keeps restarting esp32c3 mini #3284. When I make the same changes in the files for PlatformIO, it doesn’t work.
Can anyone tell me how to apply the fix for PIO?
Thank you merry678 for your reply by message. I’m including your reply here so that if anyone else looks at the same question they can find an answer.
Place the file in your src directory or project root.
Add the fixes you applied in the Arduino IDE version. Common fixes might include enabling or disabling certain features like:Copy code
#define CONFIG_ESP32C3_REV_MIN_3 1
Adjust based on your needs.
Include sdkconfig.h in the build:Modify your platformio.ini to include the custom file:
Copy code
build_flags = -I./src
Replace ./src with the path to your sdkconfig.h.
3. Ensure Proper Library Configuration
Check your TFT_eSPI library setup file (User_Setup_Select.h or User_Setup.h).
Ensure that the correct pins and display configurations are defined for the ESP32-C3.
4. Debugging Tools
Use PlatformIO’s monitor_speed and debugging tools to check the output for stack traces or error messages. Add the following to your platformio.ini:
Copy code
monitor_speed = 115200
5. Clean and Rebuild
Sometimes residual files can cause issues. Perform a clean build:bash
Copy code
pio run -t clean
pio run -t upload
Example platformio.ini Configuration
Here’s a complete example for reference:ini
Copy code
platform = espressif32
board = esp32c3
framework = arduino
platform_packages =
framework-arduinoespressif32 @ 2.0.15
build_flags =
monitor_speed = 115200
Final Note
If the issue persists, verify if the modifications you’re applying are compatible with the ESP32-C3 specifically, as it has different pin mappings and resource availability compared to other ESP32 variants.
Best Regards
I’m very new to PlatformIO for setting it up. I’ve used it for building Marlin, but never really configured it.
So setting “platform_packages = framework-arduinoespressif32 @ 2.0.15” gives me an error:
Resolving Super-Mini dependencies…
Tool Manager: Installing platformio/framework-arduinoespressif32 @ 2.0.15
UnknownPackageError: Could not find the package with ‘platformio/framework-arduinoespressif32 @ 2.0.15’ requirements for your system ‘windows_amd64’
I looked up the error and the instructions for ‘Run package command’ didn’t make any sense to me. Replace <CMD> and [ARGS], with what?
merry678 was an AI chatbot. That’s the reason why the message and the user has been deleted.
Well, color me silly . I thought discobot was the AI. I’ll keep waiting to see if I get an answer.