This is my first platformio venture so apologies if not in the swing of things with the platformio community.
Processing native in native environment
LDF: Library Dependency Finder -> http://bit.ly/configure-pio-ldf
LDF Modes: Finder ~ chain, Compatibility ~ soft
Found 1 compatible libraries
Scanning dependencies...
Dependency Graph
|-- <someLib> (/vagrant/code/cart/lib/someLib)
*** Multiple ways to build the same target were specified for: /vagrant/code/cart/.pio/build/native/test/output_export.o (from ['/vagrant/code/cart/test/output_export.c'] and from ['/vagrant/code/cart/test/output_export.cpp'])
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/platformio/builder/tools/platformio.py", line 347, in BuildSources
The same error is reported for the target in target environment build.
These output_export.c files must be auto-generated as they are not in the project and so I have no idea how to fix this issue.
(The eval_board in eval_f373vc environment also fails due to a missing .h file but that I should be able to resolve).
The final result is reported as
Test Environment Status Duration
---------- ------------- -------- ------------
eval_board eval_f373vc FAILED 00:00:00.700
eval_board target IGNORED
eval_board native IGNORED
native eval_f373vc IGNORED
native target IGNORED
native native FAILED 00:00:00.375
target eval_f373vc IGNORED
target target FAILED 00:00:00.526
target native IGNORED
This is my platformio.ini file
platform = ststm32
board = eval_f373vc
; framework = cmsis
debug_tool = stlink
build_flags = -DEVAL_BOARD
extra_scripts = pre:cart_pre_hal.py
src_filter = -<*> +<common> +<eval_board>
check_patterns =
test_filter = eval_board
test_transport = custom
platform = ststm32
board = stm32_board
; framework = cmsis
debug_tool = stlink
build_flags = -DTARGET
extra_scripts = pre:cart_pre_hal.py
src_filter = -<*> +<common> +<target>
check_patterns =
test_filter = target
test_transport = custom
platform = native
build_flags = -DNATIVE
src_filter = -<*> +<common> +<native>
check_patterns =
test_filter = native
test_transport = native
Thanks for any suggestions, John