Terminal prints export PATH in IDE

Since last update to Platformio IDE and terminal I started getting some output to PIO terminal, eg. on platforms update:

export PATH=/home/jazg/.atom/packages/platformio-ide/penv/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/usr/local/bin
platformio update
jazg@JAZG-LENOVO:~/work/stm32_cstation $ export PATH=/home/jazg/.atom/packages/platformio-ide/penv/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/usr/local/bin
jazg@JAZG-LENOVO:~/work/stm32_cstation $ platformio update

Platform atmelavr

This happens always on opening new terminal. Is there any option to turn this off?

This is a feature Export IDE's process `PATH` to the PlatformIO Terminal // Resolve #47 · platformio/platformio-atom-ide@7a2ba4a · GitHub

Sometimes pty.js doesn’t handle process.env.PATH variable correctly when initializes Terminal session. In this case, pio/platformio executables files are not available.

If you haven’t had any problems with Terminal before, you can go to Menu: PlatformIO > Settings > platformio-ide-terminal > Core > Auto run command and set it to echo "" or similar.

I just removed the whole autorun command text and it seems to work OK, thank you.

If setting is empty, PlatformIO will restore the value on next IDE restart. Maybe, need to add additional checkbox to the PlatformIO settings page?

OK, not a big problem, definitely can live with that until any fix is available.