Support for Zephyr 2.3.0: New boards, support for CMSIS-DSP and Trusted Firmware M framework

We’re happy to announce updated support for a new release v2.3.0 of Zephyr Project - a scalable real-time operating system (RTOS) supporting multiple hardware architectures, optimized for resource-constrained devices, and built with safety and security in mind.

What is new:

  • Support for numerous new boards
  • Support for MenuConfig target
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

Major enhancements in v2.3.0 include:

  • A new powerful macro-based API for Devicetree configuration
  • Mainline integration of CMSIS-DSP library
  • Integration with the Trusted Firmware M PSA-compliant framework
  • A new timeout API
  • A new more flexible and performant k_heap/sys_heap heap allocator
  • The Bluetooth Low Energy Host now supports LE Advertising Extensions

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