Support for nRF boards

I just want to know whether the following boards has support in PlatformIO or not?

nRF 52811
nRF 52833
nRF 5340
nRF 52840

I wouldn’t call nRF 52xxx a board but rather an MCU. Generally, the nRF52 architecture is supported.

Go to PlatformIO Registry and type nrf into the MCU filter field. It will show many nRF52840, nRF52832 and nRF51822 boards but not all the ones you are looking for.

You should also check for the framework you plan to use (Arduino, Mbed, …). It’s straightforward to add a board if the combination of the MCU and framework is already supported.

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So, platformIO has limited nRF mcu support?

Yes, not all MCU are currently covered.