Sublime Text 'Navigate to Definition' since 3.0.1

Has the most recent update stopped Platformio from copying all the Arduino and other source code to the .pioenvs directory?

I found this extremely helpful for my IDE’s ability to “go to definition”

What is your IDE?

Yes, we don’t copy the source code to .pioenvs in PlatformIO 3.0. These files are obsolete and can’t be used with other software. What is more, CLion has problem with it because it opens .pioenvs files instead original.

I’m using Sublime Text 3. I shall miss the gathering of all the source code to one place.

Please open new issue here Issues · platformio/platformio-core · GitHub

I’ll generate proper data for Sublime Text Clang plugins. It means that you will receive a real and a very cool code completion.

Could you tell me which is better? I’m not a user of ST. How to try it? Check each plugin and fill settings with actual includes. How to retrieve includes from PIO? Run

pio init --ide atom

Check .clang_complete file.

I don’t have any clang code completions currently installed. It ‘just worked’ as a result of having the files as part of my project in .pioenvs

I see that pio init --ide atom has created a file with paths to all the source. I’m not sure how to use this with Sublime.

I can try some of the packages but I currently can’t imagine how to implement what you are explaining to me. :flushed:

I appreciate you getting back to me. I’m really enjoying using platformio for my IoT project.

  1. Install Clang
  2. Install this package (for example) ClangAutoComplete - Packages - Package Control
  3. Read how to configure it. Fill include_dirs data using .clang_complete as help.

P.S: If you will use PlatformIO 3.0 lib_deps, the libraries will be installed to .piolibdeps folder. In this case, it should work without clang.

Being able to click yeild() and then get brought to core_esp8266_main.cpp was a very convenient learning tool for a beginner like myself. Although they say if you try to please everybody you end up pleasing no-one.