Recently, PlatformIO gets stuck whenever I switch between folders or workspaces (platformio projects) in VSCode. I can close VSCode and upon re-opening, the last project will initialize OK. This happens if I use File → Open Folder, File → Open Workspace from File, or File → Open Recent. I can work around by always closing VSCode and opening the new project, but it was working just fine until about a week ago.
MacOS 14.14.1
VSCode 1.88.1
PlatformIO 3.3.3
I have tried:
closing VSCode window and re-open
uninstall & reinstall PIO (with & without VSC restarts)
uninstall & reinstall C++ (with & without VSC restarts)
uninstall & reinstall VSCode
reboot computer
None of that works, I must close and re-open VSCode if a pio project has been loaded. Any ideas/help? Is there any initialization log I can review to see where it is hanging up?
I have given up using VS Code Workspaces with multiple projects at the same time.
I always open a new VS Code window for the project I want to work on.
On Windows I right-click on the project folder and select “Open with Code”.
I don’t know if it works the same way on a Mac.
I am experiencing the same issue, also on Mac. first Instance opens fine and the second, third simply do not show the build/upload menu.
Clicking on the PlatformIO icon on the left also just shows “Initialising PlatformIO Core”
Also tried uninstall/reinstall of PlatformIO Extention and VS Code, no luck