August 17, 2023, 8:37pm
there is a strange “vendor link” on the documentation page for the “WeAct Studio BlackPill V2.0 (STM32F411CE)” board:
The link has some auto redirection to GitHub - modauthgssapi/MiniSTM32F4x1 which seems strange to me.
What is happening here?
Well the docs is showing what the “URL” for the board JSON has. And that was last changed two years ago in
← coderkalyan:pr-bp
opened 10:39PM - 06 Apr 21 UTC
Hello! Here are some updates to the WeAct black pill boards (F401CC, F401CE, F41… 1CE). When I first added these boards, I think I copied the F401CE and F401CC from the F411CE definition without checking it carefully enough, so a couple of things slipped in, like CAN connectivity. Actually, not sure how that came in - none of these boards have CAN, so I removed that. I also updated the names a little.
Additionally, back when I contributed these boards, they didn't have support in zephyr - but since then, I've added upstream zephyr support for the F401CE and F411CE (`blackpill_f401ce` and `blackpill_f411ce`) so I added framework support here. I'm not sure if anything else needs to be done such as modifications to platformio's zephyr fork, but please let me know if I need to add anything else!
And now someone seems to have taken over that gihub page after the original WeActTC github account was deleted and placed that funny text on it. (But of course, none of that content will be downloaded by PlatformIO, the link is just in the metadata). The real URL of that chinese vendor now seems to be https://gitee.com/WeAct-TC/WeActStudio.MiniSTM32F4x1 .