An error occurred while creating the project: Unknown board ID stm8003k3.
What should I do? I have referred to MSP430F5521 (instead of MSP4.F5529), but did not change it
I missed it when i typed it in .
Here are the errors given by the ide.
PIO Core Call Error: “The current working directory /home/jack-chen/develop/stm8/pio/emiu will be used for the project.\n\nThe next files/directories have been created in /home/jack-chen/develop/stm8/pio/emiu\ninclude - Put project header files here\nlib - Put here project specific (private) libraries\nsrc - Put project source files here\nplatformio.ini - Project Configuration File\nResolving stm8s003k3 dependencies…\nAlready up-to-date.\nUpdating metadata for the vscode IDE…\n\n\nError: Processing stm8s003k3 (platform: ststm8; board: stm8s003k3; framework: spl)\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nVerbose mode can be enabled via -v, --verbose option\nError: Unknown board ID ‘stm8s003k3’\n========================== [FAILED] Took 0.54 seconds ==========================”
Unable to reproduce your error. I create my C:\Users\Max\.platformio\platforms\ststm8\boards\stm8s003k3.json with the contents you posted and do
>pio init -b stm8s003k3 --ide=vscode
The current working directory C:\Users\Max\temp\8s003k3 will be used for the project.
The next files/directories have been created in C:\Users\Max\temp\8s003k3
include - Put project header files here
lib - Put here project specific (private) libraries
src - Put project source files here
platformio.ini - Project Configuration File
Resolving stm8s003k3 dependencies...
Already up-to-date.
Updating metadata for the vscode IDE...
Project has been successfully initialized! Useful commands:
`pio run` - process/build project from the current directory
`pio run --target upload` or `pio run -t upload` - upload firmware to a target
`pio run --target clean` - clean project (remove compiled files)
`pio run --help` - additional information
and it works with initializating.
Make sure you have an up-to-date PlatformIO core (CLI → pio upgrade --dev) and make sure that you don’t have other stm8@... folders in your ~/.platformio/platforms folder that the core might be looking at.
used platformio boards command ,I can find stm8s003k3 on the stm32 platform.
But I’m in/home/jack - Chen /. Platformio/platforms/ststm32 / boards did not find in it.Searching for stm32 platform in PIO Home->Boards also did not find stm8s003k3
I try to. Platformio/platforms/ststm8 / boards/stm8s003f3 json content in replacing the original stm8003k3. The contents of the json.The project can be created successfully.But project/.Pio/build/stm8s003f3/idedata.json content is not correct.The following
Project to create a success, but how to put the. Platformio/packages/framework - ststm8spl/Libraries/STM8S_StdPeriph_Driver/the library file link to the project, or said I am going to put library copy into the lib folder.Also, how do you create this project, what are the steps.