Stm32flash command not found

I’m facing a problem while uploading the code to SMT32 BluePill board via Serial protocol. Please find below the platformio.ini file content and error message.

platform = ststm32
board = bluepill_f103c8
framework = arduino
upload_protocol = serial

Error message
sh: stm32flash: command not found
*** [upload] Error 127

This is a know issue.

See this comment for a workaround.

Hi…after installing, you can find two interesting executable files (depending on where you installed it, typically in the “STMicroelectronics\Software\Flash Loader Demo” subdirectory): STMFlashLoader.exe** and **STMFlashLoader Demo.exe . The first one is a commad-line utility, second has a GUI interface. Command-line is good for integrating into your IDE / toolchain, for example Eclipse.

pcb assembly