Stm32duino / STM32FreeRTOS has updated to 10.0.2 but platformio still 10.0.1

How to force updating?

I’ve opened Update library.json by maxgerhardt · Pull Request #30 · stm32duino/STM32FreeRTOS · GitHub to correct the issue on their side.

EDIT: The pull-request was already merged, so updating it on the PIO side should happen soon now, too.

Meanwhile, just use the documented lib_deps form where you can reference a git repository. This will pull the absolute latest version from their git.

lib_deps = 
    STM32duino FreeRTOS=

How long will it take to change in the platformio?
I am so stupid so I just want to use the offical way.

The registry used to be able to pick up library changes within 48 hours. With the new system in place, I don’t have a reference. You can check PlatformIO Registry on when it will show the 10.0.2 version.

However, the project platformio.ini modification above is really simple and failsafe. Just make sure you have git installed and it will work.

Thank you for your help.
Your help and answers are always can help me to slove my problem!
Thank you for create a so perfect IDE!

you can see this at last

Just my 2 cents, I guess PIO automatically update the library version in its env based on while they should use the official tag like Arduino.

I guess you should install the specific version as mentioned in installation tabs on PIO library usage:

# The exact version
     stm32duino/STM32duino Low Power @ 1.0.3

I close this issue as it it is linked to PIO usage.

HaHaHa, 48 hours has been past, but it still 10.0.1